Register of Statutory Auditors

This Register contains information on Statutory Auditors and Audit Firms in the UK

Updated: Wednesday 29 May 2024


The total number of Statutory Auditors and Audit Firms in the UK contained in this Register

Recognised Supervisory Bodies
Count of Firms
Count of Offices
Count of Individuals

How are Audit Firms and Auditors Regulated?

The requirements for statutory audits are set out by the Statutory Audit Directive (2006/43/EC) adopted by the European Union.

This has been transposed into UK Law by the Companies Act 2006. This Act provides powers to bodies known as Recognised Supervisory Bodies (RSBs) to register and supervise auditors.

Find out more


  • Recognised Supervisory Bodies (RSB) - holds contact details for all RSBs and details of firms registered by them
  • Firm - shows details of Audit Registered Firms, who registers them and the individuals linked to them
  • Location - shows the full address of the registered firm, the RSBs and the individual details

You can search for the information in a variety of ways:

  • By RSB
    Select “Search the database”, then “Search by RSBs”, and select the appropriate RSB. Within the list of firms displayed, click on a firm in order to see its full details.
  • By Firm
    If you know the name of the firm you should enter it in the 'search text' box.
  • By Location
    If you know the town or street name you should enter it in the 'search text' box and click on the search button.
  • By Individual
    You can search by the individual's name or surname by entering it into the 'search text' box and clicking on the search button.

The requirements for statutory audits are set out by the Statutory Audit Directive (2006/43/EC) adopted by the European Union.

This has been transposed into UK Law by the Companies Act 2006. This Act provides powers to bodies known as Recognised Supervisory Bodies (RSBs) to register and supervise auditors.

Find out more

Contact Information

If you have a query regarding the registration of a firm or individual, please contact the Recognised Supervisory Body concerned

If you experience any issues with the site then please contact the site administrators at ICAEW.