The book to change your life?

Big statement I know; “The Power of Focus” certainly started big changes in mine, the most important being Chapter 1, titled “Your Habits Will Determine Your Future”. Strangely enough, I bought this book several months before reading it…

Smashing Your Goals in 2017?

So Q1 2017 is coming to an end. Are your New Year's Resolutions now a distant memory or are your plans for the year still on track? Either way, my goal with this article (no pun intended!) is to help by sharing my own personal experiences…

New Year, New Website, Fresh Blogging

Hi Everyone, OK, so it's been nearly 6 years since I last posted to my blog (which was all around my first ever marathon) and over 10 years since I first ever blogged ("Being an new father" - I'll revisit that post in the coming weeks!).…