General Election - Find Out More

04 June 2024

Church Leaders’ Joint Statement

21 senior leaders of Churches based in and around the West Midlands have signed a joint statement ahead of the General Election of 4 July. In the joint statement, the Church leaders acknowledge the sacrifice involved for all who offer themselves for election to public office. They encourage each Parliamentary candidate to commit to work…

03 June 2024

Urban Devotion Birmingham

In 2003 Urban Devotion Birmingham was established with a group of people praying, walking the streets, listening to residents and…


Landmark June gatherings

A number of landmark Christian events will take place in the Midlands during the month of June. They include (in…

24 May 2024

400 years since the birth of George Fox (a founder of Quakerism)

This year Quakers are marking 400 years since the birth of George Fox. One of the founders of Quakerism. ‘A…


Unity in Diversity

Across Birmingham and Solihull there are numerous groups of local Churches and fellowships who meet and work together as local expressions of Christian unity.

Restore, a project of BCT, has vision for a society into which all refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, valued and integrated.

Restore works towards that vision by: Building relationships and equipping for integration; Motivating for action; and Working for change.