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Donaghmore Living History enables communities to celebrate, explore our diverse history and learn more about our communities. This website ensures that everyone can learn about have access to and can enjoy their heritage through identification and comparison of their experiences against the living history accounts of the people from the Donaghmore and surrounding catchment area.

Donaghmore is a typical rural village located in Co. Tyrone, centrally located in Northern Ireland. The village boasts an active Donaghmore Historical Society, which has recognised the need to develop an internet-based account of living and working conditions pre 1950’s of the surrounding areas. BEAM (Bardic Educational Arts & Media) were commissioned to record the recollections of life and work looking at first hand accounts of bygone lifestyles... more information

Donaghmore Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the development of our website with support from Mid Ulster District Council.

Please note that users of the Donaghmore Living History Website are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness and suitability of all information, as this site is designed to document the personal experiences of people from the area relating to the period 1940’s-1950’s.


The Archive:
Dive into our extensive online archive which consists of video, audio files, photos and documents...
Donaghmore Area Profile:
Get an overview of the area, its people, its culture etc...
Donaghmore Historical Society:
Find out more information about the historical group who collated all this wonderful information and why they did it!