1. Music for flute

    Music for flute


  2. Dreamers’ Circus

    Dreamers’ Circus


  3. Li-Ying Wu

    Li-Ying Wu


Latest News

  1. KUNSTPAUSER - Podcast


    KUNSTPAUSER - Podcast

    The first episode of the podcast series Kunstpauser is out now.

  2. Matias Vestergård at Festival & Friends


    Matias Vestergård at Festival & Friends

    Matias Vestergård marks his final year as artist in residence at Festival & Friends with the world premiere of a new piece: DIE WELT OHNE SCHWERE.

  3. Danish New Music Academy


    Danish New Music Academy

    Danish New Music Academy brings together twelve early-career musicians (six composers, six performers) for a summer course aiming to create and explore new relationships between composers, musicians, and audiences.


  1. 7


    Ylva Lund Bergner: F-Low-M

    world premiere


    location Klang Festival, Den Sorte Diamant, Copenhagen, Denmark

    performed by Basel Sinfonietta

  2. 9


    Mette Nielsen: Song I used to sing to the machines


    location KLANG Festival, Musikhuset København, Denmark

    performed by Athelas Sinfonietta

  3. 9


    Lasse Schwanenflügel Piasecki: Gemmer mig for Rosetta


    location KLANG Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

    performed by Athelas Sinfonietta

About Edition·S

Edition·S – music¬sound¬art publishes art music for the classical and experimental music scene. We represent our composers through the publication of scores, parts, electronic media, graphic formats and rights and promotion. Our music services are available worldwide.

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Our catalogue that comprises more than 3000 works composed between the mid 19th Century and the present time by Danish composers or composers that are permanent residents in Denmark. Our catalogue includes 20th Century classics such as Carl Nielsen and H.C. Lumbye but also young, experimenting composers fresh from the music academies. We believe in focused artistic selection, strong personal expression, visionary musical thinking and in the power of art music to make a lasting difference for those who experience it.

Take a look at some of our catalogue Features.