Faith That Moves Mountains

            All of us have to deal with various types of immovable mountains in our path that are huge and intimidating. They're too high for us to climb over, they're too big to go around and too thick to tunnel through. These mountains can be circumstantial, emotional, financial, physical or even demonic. Jesus said that just the faith of a mustard seed could enable us to remove mountains and nothing would be impossible for us. He also said that the ingredients to building that kind of faith required prayer and fasting but what does that mean? It's not what you think. In this session, we set aside some special time to address specifically the kind of faith that moves mountains, how to get that faith, what prayer and fasting is REALLY all about and then we examine various types of mountains and how God removes them.

49 Minutes
September 10, 2010

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I. The Disciples Fail To Heal A Child From Demonic Possession.
A. Matthew 17:14-17
B. Mark 9:14-19
C. Luke 9:37-41

II. A Behavioral Study Of Demons Once They've Been Outmatched.
A. Matthew 17:18
B. Mark 9:20-27
C. Luke 9:42

III. Identifying Faith That's Like A Grain Of Mustard Seed.
A. Matthew 17:19-21
B. Mark 9:28-29
C. Prayer And Fasting: What That Really Means (It's Not What You Think).
D. Faith That Moves Mountains.
1. Hebrews 11:1
2. Proverbs 3:5-6
E. Examining Various Types Of Mountains And How To Deal With Them.


Losing Your Life To Save It

            "YOU will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed (fixed and focused) on YOU." (Isaiah 26:3) "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) "Do not worry or be anxious (living in fear), saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:31-33) "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21)

              I believe these are the foundations for what Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 16:25 "Whoever Saves His Life Will Lose It, But Whoever Loses His Life For My Sake Will Find It." In this session we talk about seeking 1st the Kingdom of God, what it means to carry our cross and follow him, to delight ourselves in the Lord and we address unmet needs and the desires of our heart.

30 Minutes
August 6, 2010

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I. Understanding The Meaning Behind The Phrase, "Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me."
A. Matthew 16:24
B. Mark 8:34
C. Luke 9:23

II. Solving A Mystery: "Whoever Saves His Life Will Lose It, But Whoever Loses His Life Will Save It."
A. Matthew 16:25-26
B. Mark 8:35-37
C. Luke 9:24-25

III. Seeking First The Kingdom Of God: The Coming Reward Ceremony In Which Jesus Is The Judge & Rewarder.
A. Matthew 16:27

IV. Jesus' Reaction Upon His Return Toward Christians Who Were Ashamed Of Him And His Teachings.
A. Mark 8:38
B. Luke 9:26

V. Seeking 1st The Kingdom Of God / Delighting Yourself In The Lord / Unmet Needs & The Desires Of Your Heart.
A. Matthew 6:19-21
B. Psalm 37:3-8



The Church VS The Ecclesia

            The word "church" is used in our English Bibles for the Greek word "ecclesia" which simply means "assembly or congregation". In the context of every place the word "ecclesia" appears in the original Greek, it refers to those who belong to the family of God. It hasn't anything to do with Sunday mornings or public places of worship. As a matter of fact, the more you read what the Bible has to say about the purpose of our assembling together, you'll discover that most (if not all) of those purposes are left unfulfilled in today's public places of worship. So if the Greek word "ecclesia" means "assembly or congregation," then why doesn't our English Bibles just translate it that way? Where did the word "church" come from and what does it mean?

13 Minutes
July 23, 2010

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The Christian Walk


I. Peter Confesses That Jesus Is The Christ; The Messiah; The Son Of The Living God.
A. Matthew 16:13-16
B. Matthew 16:20
C. Mark 8:27-30
D. Luke 9:18-21

II. Upon Peter's Confession, Jesus Introduces The Ecclesia (Unfortunately Translated "Church" In Our English Bibles).
A. Matthew 16:17-18
B. Hebrews 10:24-25

III. Flashback: When Jesus Was Asked About Where People Should Worship.
John 4:19-24



The Tradition VS The Word

            When human beings take their man-made religious traditions and call them commandments of God, they're treading on dangerous ground. Jesus was mostly criticized not by secularists, atheists, or even the demon possessed, but rather the religious leaders who continually found themselves opposing him at every turn. They had taken Biblical principles and turned them into exaggerated, ceremonial, man-made traditions. This still happens today and unfortunately, people can get into the habit of blindly following religious ceremonies and traditions without ever stopping to consult God's Word and ask Him, "Why are we all doing this? What's the point?" Jesus said, "If you abide in My Word, you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free."

14 Minutes
July 16, 2010

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I. Religious Leaders Complain To Jesus About His Disciples Not Washing Their Hands.
A. Matthew 15:1-2
B. Mark 7:1-5

II. A Religious View Of Sin VS God's View Of Sin.
A. Matthew 15:3-6
B. Mark 7:8-13

III. The Word Of Religion VS The Word Of God.
A. Matthew 15:7-9
B. Mark 7:6-7

IV. Jesus Redefines For The Religious Leaders What Makes A Man Unclean.
A. Matthew 15:10-11
B. Mark 7:14-16

V. The Blind Leading The Blind: Jesus' Remedy For Escape.
A. Matthew 15:12-14
B. John 8:31-32
C. Romans 12:2
D. Hebrews 4:12

VI. Jesus Explains To His Disciples The Meaning Of What He Said To The Religious Leaders.
A. Matthew 15:15-20
B. Mark 7:17-23


How To Walk On Water

            In this study, we cover 2 scenarios that give us a whole lot to think about concerning how to overcome impossible and undesirable situations in our life. The first scenario involves Jesus feeding 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. The other scenario involves Jesus walking on water and Peter joining him! While these are obvious acts of a supernatural God, we often overlook what Jesus required of his disciples in order for these miracles to take place. Jesus required 2 things: (1) that his disciples follow his directions whether they made sense to them or not and (2) that they focus on HIM and HIS abilities, rather than focusing on the circumstances. Simply doing those 2 things is what led to 5000 people being fed with 2 fish and 5 loaves and it's also what led to Peter walking on water in the midst of a storm. The formula is very simple and yet it's easy to forget amidst all our many distractions. If your needs are greater than your resources, or if you're experiencing storms in your life that you'd like to rise above, then you might want to give this podcast a listen.

22 Minutes
May 28, 2010

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I. Jesus Feeds 5000 People With 2 Fish And 5 Loaves Of Bread.
A. Matthew 14:13-21
B. Mark 6:30-44
C. Luke 9:10-17
D. John 6:1-13

II. Jesus Sends Away His Disciples & Withdraws To Pray.
A. Matthew 14:22-23
B. Mark 6:45-46
C. John 6:14-17

III. The Disciples Are Attacked By Another Storm At Sea & Jesus Walks On The Water.
A. Matthew 14:24-27
B. Mark 6:47-50
C. John 6:18-20

IV. Faith VS Circumstances: Peter Walks On The Water.
A. Matthew 14:28-31

V. Jesus Comes Aboard And The Winds Cease.
A. Matthew 14:32-33
B. Mark 6:51-52
C. John 6:21


" My Name Is Legion "

            Many have tried to suggest that the classic scenarios of demonic possession recorded in the Bible are nothing more than a primitive culture's attempt to explain personality disorders and mental illnesses. It's because of that viewpoint that I believe Jesus chose to handle this next case in the way that he did to prove that these aren't cases of personality disorders or diseases of the mind, but are literal cases of demonic spirits oppressing and sometimes possessing their human victims to the point of entering their body to share their mind and in many cases, override it. Mark and Luke's record of this event was taken from memory. Matthew's record was recorded quickly by short-hand as it happened, if not soon after.

            Combining these three reports, we find that this particular individual had been known throughout his community. He had been possessed for a very long time, wandering around the community naked, screaming in the night, sleeping among the tombs and cutting himself with stones. The local authorities had attempted multiple times to subdue him. Nothing they had done could stop him. They had even resorted to binding him in shackles and chains, but he ripped them all apart! Apparently, super-human strength is another symptom of demonic possession when the demons have massed together. This is when Jesus chose to respond to this particular case for our educational benefit.

            Mark and Luke report that instead of casting out the demons as Jesus had done before, he asked, "What is your name?" and he said, "My name is LEGION for we are many." At the time, a legion was a military company of 6000 Roman soldiers. The beings possessing this man were soldiers of Satan, and they were at least 6000 in number. But standing in the presence of Jesus, the Son of God, they shrieked in terror and begged Him, "If you cast us out, please permit us to go away into that herd of hogs over there." A herd of 2000 hogs were quietly grazing in a nearby field. Jesus gave a nod of permission. The man immediately fell down as the entire herd of 2000 hogs suddenly became violent and stampeded over a cliff to drown themselves in the sea.

16 Minutes
May 7, 2010

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I. Jesus Calms A Killer Storm That May Have Been Demonically Induced.
A. Matthew 8:23-27
B. Mark 4:35-41
C. Luke 8:22-25

II. Jesus Is Met By Two Individuals Possessed By Demons.
A. Matthew 8:28-29

III. Mark & Luke's Report Focuses On The One Possessed By 6000 Demons.
A. Mark 5:1-10
B. Luke 8:26-31

IV. Jesus Expels The 6000 Demons Into A Heard Of 2000 Hogs.
A. Matthew 8:30-33
B. Mark 5:11-16
C. Luke 8:32-36

V. The Frightening Power Of Free Will.
A. Matthew 8:34
B. Mark 5:17-20
C. Luke 8:37-39


How To Blaspheme The Holy Spirit

            When you consider the extremes that God personally went to secure our safe passage into Heaven without any threat from Hell, it's hard to believe that there would exist any particular sin that could not be forgiven. What sin could possibly be unforgivable? It's given cute little labels such as "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" with hardly any further explanation as to what that really means. Which sin was Jesus referring to when he declared blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to be an unforgivable sin? Who was he talking to and what did they do? What sin could have possibly escaped the "PAID IN FULL" declaration that Jesus personally made before he died on the cross? Did Jesus make a mistake?

28 Minutes
April 16, 2010

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I. Unraveling The Mystery Of The Infamous Unpardonable Sin (aka) Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit.
A. Matthew 12:31-32
B. Mark 3:28-30
C. Romans 1:18-25
D. John 3:16-19

II. Giving An Account For Every Idle Word.
A. Matthew 12:33-37

III. The Sign Of The Prophet Jonah.
A. Matthew 12:38-40
B. Luke 11:29-30