Skin Treatments

Our highly qualified team offer a range of treatment options for various skin issues.

Hair Removal Treatments

Laser or IPL hair removal treatments with reduced discomfort by experienced laser practitioners.

Cosmetic Treatments

We can offer a range of cosmetic injectables including Botox®, Jeuveau®, Restylane®.

The Differences Between IPL and Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal and IPL (intense pulsed light) are both popular methods for removing unwanted hair. But how do they work, and what are the key differences between the two? Although both methods use light to heat hair follicles and prevent regrowth, the technology being used is quite different and the varying factor lies in the light source generated.

To understand which hair removal method is best for you, we need to take a closer look at how each one works.

Laser hair removal uses a laser beam that is directed at the hair follicle. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, which then destroys the follicle. This method can be quite precise, and is often used for small areas such as the chin, upper lip or bikini line. For clients undertaking laser hair removal, success is usually achieved after six to nine sessions where it becomes apparent the treated area is seen to have a significant reduction in hair or evidence of permanent hair removal.

IPL, on the other hand, uses a broad-spectrum light that is less focused than laser light. IPL targets both the hair follicle and the surrounding skin. The light energy is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and converted to heat. This heat then destroys the follicle. IPL generally requires six to nine weeks of treatment to see complete removal of hair in an area.

Is it better to use Laser or IPL?

Generally, the use of IPL for hair removal will require more sessions than laser hair removal to achieve the same results. IPL is not as focused as laser light, so it can’t target the hair follicle as precisely. This means that the surrounding skin can also be damaged, which can cause side effects such as redness, swelling and blistering. Laser hair removal being more precise can target key areas making it more comfortable, in addition new laser technologies are equipped with integrated cooling systems to further reduce discomfort. The top of the line laser machines used in the clinic have been imported from leading manufacturers in New Zealand with the help of trusted moving companies. For many people who want to remove excess hair, laser is undeniably the superior option, however it is important to speak to your qualified laser practitioner to discuss your requirements and skin type as both methods – laser and IPL are effective forms of hair removal.

What You Must Know Before Seeking Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Laser skin rejuvenation has been hugely popular in recent times , and it’s not hard to see why. Promising everything from a reduction in wrinkles to a more even skin tone, laser treatments can be an appealing option for anyone looking to refresh their appearance. Of course the home remedies of scrubs and masks can help, whilst clinical resurfacing precedures such as dermabrasion and microneedling can offer more dramatic results but can cause skin irritations. The most effective with promising results for skin rejuvenation can only laser which offer a much more targeted and effective solution – if you go to the right place.

Laser technology can help problematic skin and be used to treat wrinkles and fine lines, sun spots, tattoo removal and acne scars. The modern day laser technology harnesses the power of light and heat to target specific concerns without harming the surrounding skin. As we age, our skin changes. Skin laser treatments can help to improve these changes by stimulating Collagen production and cell regeneration. But before you rush out to book a laser treatment, there are a few things you should know. Here’s what you need to know before getting laser skin treatment.

Ensure the laser practitioner is trained and qualified

The laser technology used for skin rejuvenation is very powerful. That’s why it’s important to make sure the practitioner carrying out your laser treatment is fully trained and qualified. The wrong laser treatment could cause burns, scars and other long-term damage. Before booking a laser treatment, always check that the person carrying out the procedure has the necessary qualifications and the clinic meets safety procedures.

Have a general understanding of type of lasers available

Not all lasers are the same, so before considering laser resurfacing it is a good idea to read up about the type of lasers available. Ablative are the strongest lasers available and remove the top and dermis layer of the skin. The body then generates new skin with a smoother looking appearance that remains tigher with less fine lines and wrinkles. Non-ablative are not as agressive and much more gentle on the skin, they work by heating up the skin and penetrating the deeper layers to stimulate collagen production without damaging the top layers. Non-ablative lasers are generally a more comfortable option with the trade of being slower results. However, they do have a lower risk of hyper-pigmentation and is more beneficial for those with darker skin. Fractionated lasers combines benefits from both ablative and non-ablative lasers. The laser delivers heat and light in a fractionated fashion to the target area without damaging the surrounding skin.

Research laser treatments and find the right laser for your needs

The next step is to research laser treatments and find which one will be best for you. Consider what concerns you have and what results you are hoping to achieve. Different laser treatments target different areas, so make sure you find out as much as possible ask questions.

Be aware of laser risks and side effects

Laser resurfacing is a medical procedure, so there are some risks and side effects associated with the treatment. These can include burns, scars, infections, changes in skin colour and texture. Laser treatments can also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight so it is important to use sunscreen and limit your exposure to the sun following treatment.

Three Cosmetic Injectables That Can Help Improve Appearance

Three Cosmetic Injectables that can help improve appearance

It is true that the way we see ourselves in the mirror can impact the way we feel about ourselves on a day to day basis. As we age, we are looking for solutions to bring back the youthful appearance we once had. Luckily, there are many options available to help improve our appearance and self-confidence without the dramatic need for plastic surgery. One solution is the use of cosmetic injectables that can deliver effective results without the need to go under the scalpel, in addition a long recovery.

There are varying types of cosmetic injectables available today and each work in different aspects to provide solutions for your cosmetic concerns. Let’s have a look at 3 of the most popular cosmetic injectables:

1. Botox: is one of the most popular cosmetic injectables on the market today, and for good reason. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles in your face that are responsible for wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. The effects of Botox can typically last up to six months and is safe to use.

2. Jeuveau: is commonly used in the forehead to prevent the deep lines that can appear. When injected, it provides a short circuit to disrupt the communication between the nerves and facial muscles, resulting in less contraction and premature aging. The effects of Jeuveau can last up to four months.

3. Kybella: is a newer injectable on the market and one that has gained popularity for removing fat from the chin area which contributes to sagging. For best results, a six part treatment can slim down the neck line and provide a more defined chin area.

If you are considering any of these injectables, it is best to consult with a board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon in order to learn more about which injectable would be the best fit for you and your concerns. Simply put, there are many cosmetic injectables available on the market that can help improve your appearance without the need for surgery.