Welcome to Hawkswick Lodge Fruit Farm

Hawkswick Lodge Farm is located in the Hertfordshire countryside just to the north of St Albans on the A1081.

We are a family run business, growing soft fruit including Strawberries, Raspberries, Red Currants, Blackcurrants, Blackberries and Gooseberries. Our emphasis is on personal, friendly service and we pride ourselves on the variety, quality and freshness of our produce.


    After what seems to have been the wettest Spring across the U K at last the sunshine seems to have reappeared and this is great news for the fruit plants. We have suffered from the bad weather but only with some small Gooseberry bush losses, they hate waterlogged roots. All the Strawberries and Raspberries seem in robust health.

    The next few weeks will be critical, a late frost would be bad news and our opening date will probably be a little delayed this year due to the lack of warm Spring days, but nature does have a habit of surprising us so we are still earmarking opening on Saturday 22nd June for Gooseberries and the first crop of Strawberries. Raspberries, Blackberries and the currants are likely to be one to two weeks later.

    More news will follow as we hopefully all enjoy warmer weather through May.

    Thank you for your interest and we look forward to welcoming you to the farm in a few weeks.

Opening times

We suggest you call our Hotline on 01727 831224 before you set out, to check on fruit availability and opening hours for that day.

Tuesday to Friday
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.  (Last entrance:  5:30 p.m.)

Saturday and Sunday
** Please note changed weekend closing time **
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  (Last entrance:  3:30 p.m.)

Monday: Closed all day

for adults and children aged 5 and over
(no minimum charge for children under 5 years)

Sorry, no dogs allowed in fruit picking areas

* Free Parking *

* 20% Pensioner discount on Tuesday afternoons *

perfect strawb
closer rasp
close strwabs
close straws
close rasp
close up strawb
blackcurrant close
strawberries row
strawb and view
rows 2
row strawbs
redcurrants 2
red goosberries
recurrants close
rasp row
Fruit Calendar

Pick your own soft fruits