Your Brain with Grief, Recovery, and Suicide: What You Need to Know!

Arlene Taylor, PhD presents “Change your state with delta-E”

A breakthrough in healthy energy! Hear the latest research from a brain function specialist. Studies have shown the effects of L-theanine mixed with a co-factor in delta-E can assist in ADD, ADHD, depression and calm energy…a healthy food alternative to energy drinks, and much more……

Learn more at the IMPAXWORLD website

Healthy energy- change your state with Arlene Taylor, PhD

No Crashes for me!

Marty I am proud to share the benefits I have received from EnerPrime, which I have been taking every day since 1994. I handle stress much better than I used to, and I have more endurance. In addition my blood sugar no longer “crashes”. If a meal is delayed for an hour or two, now it is no big deal, whereas before it was crisis. Another big benefit is that I don’t get sick anymore. If something hits me, I recover from it quickly.

Because I was very healthy when I started EnerPrime, my benefits have been subtle and gradual. I am 69 years old, and most people are surprised when I tell them my age. I credit that to EnerPrime slowing down the aging process.

I am grateful to have access to a product that has been so helpful to my health, and I plan to continue to take it faithfully. I am also a fan of other IMPaX products. I know I can count on the company’s integrity to produce excellent health products at a fair price.

Marty M.

Fair Oaks, CA


“Daily Migraine Headaches went away!” Carolyn Monck, ND

At the time I was  introduced to EnerPrime and IMPaX , I had experienced waking up to a headache  on a daily basis for about 34 years.  (except during the months when I was
pregnant with my 3 sons.  During my pregnancy with my daughter I still had the daily headaches).  It was a “normal” thing for me to get up  in the morning and take headache medicine in order to get through theCarolyn Monck
day.  For about 10 years previous to starting to take EnerPrime I also had  on the average at least one migraine headache each week.

Within about a week of taking EnerPrime my daily headaches went away and shortly thereafter the migraine headaches also stopped.  So over the past  20 years taking EnerPrime I have experienced only a handful of migraine  headaches (always when I have neglected to take my EnerPrime for awhile and under extreme stress).  So for 1/2 my life I lived with headaches and  didn’t know what it was like to get up feeling good in the morning.  What  a difference EnerPrime made in my daily life.

“I Don’t Approve of Energy Drinks!” by Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT , CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

“I Don’t Approve of Energy Drinks” Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT , CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

Imagine this: I am writing this article in a magazine that features an energy drink! I’m not a big fan of energy drinks. As a nutrition consultant, for the sake of my clients I BenGreenfieldTrirunning

have sometimes wished in the past that energy drinks did not exist. And here are the reasons why:

1) Danger of Caffeine Overdose and Addiction:

The average energy drink contains nearly 4 times the amount of caffeine found in commercial soda beverages and several of the more popular brands contain the

caffeine equivalent of 14 Cokes. A 6-ounce cup of coffee has 80-150 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, but the caffeine content of energy drinks ranges from 50-500+ mg, with one

popular energy drink “shot” topping out at 570mg, which gives you the equivalent of about three and a half cups of coffee with a single sip!

Why should this concern you? Because caffeine forces your adrenal glands to secrete enormous amounts of adrenaline and “energy” hormones, even when those glands are

depleted. The result is a growing tolerance to the effects of caffeine, and eventual burn-out and severe adrenal depletion. This is accompanied by a feeling of increasing

tiredness and a need for higher and higher amounts of caffeine to achieve an energy boost. Attempts at quitting the addiction can result in withdrawal symptoms such as

severe headaches and complete loss of mental focus and function. In addition, by inhibiting the activity of the vitamin folate, B12 and B6, high levels of

caffeine may interfere with your body’s ability to regulate two significant cardiovascular disease risk factors: homocysteine and cholesterol. By causing blood vessel

constriction and increased risk of blood clots, the caffeine content in some energy drinks can literally be deadly for someone with high stress levels or high blood

pressure. Finally, high levels of caffeine consumption have been associated with increased risk of stroke and arthritis, insomnia, heart palpitations, tremors, sweating,

nausea, diarrhea, chest pain, and neurological symptoms!

2) Overdosing on Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

One can of energy drink contains the equivalent of nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar! This amount of sugar causes your sensitive pancreas to create a literal flood of insulin in an

attempt to manage all the extra glucose (sugar) that ends up in the bloodstream. Some of this sugar may be used by the muscles, but usually only if you are exercising quitespoonpouring sugar

frequently. The remainder of the sugar is converted into fat by the liver. In addition, the body releases both epinephrine and cortisol from your adrenal glands (as if they weren’t already stressed enough from

the caffeine!). The result is a quick swing in energy, followed by a subsequent crash, a severely compromised immune system, a surge of cell-damaging “free radicals”,

thickened blood and an eventual insensitivity to insulin, also know as type II diabetes.

And you just thought sugar was bad for your teeth!

But what about artificial sweeteners? Don’t they eliminate this problem? Unfortunately, research has shown that there is still a release of gastric hormones when you consume

an artificial sweeteners. This gives your brain a confusing message: that food is present, but that the food has no “calories”. Subsequently, you develop an appetite

craving typically 30-60 minutes after consuming an artificially sweetened beverage. In addition, these artificially sweetened chemicals (yes, chemicals!) such as aspartame

(Nutrasweet), sucralose (Splenda), acesulfame potassium, and sugar alcohols have been linked to upset stomachs, mood swings, birth defects, cancer, diabetes,

emotional disorders, epilepsy, seizures, a variety of neurological disorders and even obesity!

3) Excessive Acids.

Finally, carbonic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid in popular carbonated energy drinks can dissolve tooth enamel (causing tooth rot and yellow teeth), raise the risk of

stomach damage and ulcers, cause bone breakdown, osteoporosis, and bone fractures, and upset the fragile “acid-alkaline” balance in the human body. And that is why

I am not a fan of energy drinks.

But two years ago, a friend gave me a packet of powder called “delta-E”. Of course, I immediately took note of the fact that it was not in carbonated and acidic soda form. It

was an effervescent powder that I could mix with pure, natural water! Upon an inspection of the label, however, I noted that it only contained 75mg of caffeine – the equivalent of just

one-half cup of coffee. Sure, it wouldn’t destroy my adrenal glands, but how could this possibly enhance my energy levels?

And with no processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, would I even be able to stomach the taste? Despite my doubts, I tried the little pink packet, pouring it into a bottle of water that satdelta-E box packet close-up just add water

on the table. After a surprisingly delicious and refreshingly fruity swig, I then sat back, completely expecting the same feeling that I had previously experienced with

commercial energy drinks – jitteriness, lack of focus, a short-lived high, then a massive slump in energy levels and enormous stimulation of appetite.

My expectations were completely wrong. For the next 4 hours, I had what I can only describe as a laser focus, a positively pleasant mood, and completely

enhanced energy levels – without the jitters! Later, upon researching this unique feeling, I discovered that this feeling was due to the presence of pure

L-Theanine, which had actually crossed my blood-brain barrier and caused a release of mood-enhancing dopamine and serotonin, without destroying

my adrenal glands in the process! With a full spectrum of immune-system enhancing vitamin C, cellular metabolism-boosting

vitamin B12, the muscle-exciting amino acid taurine and a delicious pomegranate juice extract as a natural sweetener, I was suddenly finding my paradox

challenged – was there actually such a thing as a “healthy” energy drink? For the past two years, I have used delta-E to achieve that same successful feeling

over and over again, with zero “tolerance build-up”, afternoon energy slump, or compromised immune system health. Perhaps even more impressively, I have double-dosed

with delta-E prior to my intense athletic competition in Ironman triathlon, and experienced the greatest athletic success of my life, which I believe is also due not only

to the novel properties of delta-E, but also to my synergistic use of the entire family of IMPaX health supplements. As a nutrition consultant and personal trainer, I have utilized delta-E to “wean”

clients from caffeine addictions, enhance sleep levels and assist with insomnia, instill inspiration and energy to complete a fat-burning workout after a long day of work,

boost the immune system prior to airplane travel, and naturally flavor water without risking chemical consumption. m still not a fan of energy drinks. But delta-E is not an energy drink. It was not

formulated to be a sleep substitute, to satisfy a caffeine addiction, or to fuel late night partying. Just like all the IMPaX products, it was formulated for energy and enhanced mental and physical

function, but from the perspective of complete mental and physical health, and because of that, it stands out among the crowd of unhealthy energy alternatives.

Try it just once. I think you’ll agree.

What makes EnerPrime Different? Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

What Makes EnerPrime Different? By Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

Let’s face it.

There are a myriad of nutrition supplements that you can choose from. From antioxidantsbenracingyellow

to multivitamins, you’re constantly bombarded with advertisements and promotions for

the newest magical elixir.

So it’s no surprise that one of the most common questions that I receive after I give my

glowing recommendation of EnerPrime is:

What makes EnerPrime different?”

And this is a very good question. After all, why on earth would I choose to EnerPrime as

my daily dose of sustenance to get me through a day of swimming, cycling and running

in preparation for one of the toughest athletic events on the face of the planet?

To understand how EnerPrime is different, let’s compare it to three categories of nutrition

supplements that are most commonly considered as potential alternatives to EnerPrime:

antioxidants, multi-vitamins, and green powders.

1) Antioxidants.

While this article isn’t mean to be a crash course in science, it is important for you to

understand exactly what an antioxidant actually is.

Put simply, an antioxidant is simply a molecule that keeps other molecules from

damage or death. For example, when you eat a blueberry, it contains one type of

antioxidant called a “polyphenol”. A polyphenol can take potentially damagingEnerPrime

compounds that you are exposed to, from life, stress, exercise, pollution or chemicals,

and block those compounds from damaging your cells.

But the polyphenol in that blueberry is just one tiny example of an antioxidant.

There are literally dozens of other antioxidants, and they all work in different ways on

different parts of your body. In order to get the full benefit of antioxidants, you need

to be consuming a complete diet that includes seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other

things that grow on planet Earth. And if you do that, you will have fewer wrinkles on

your skin, get sick less, bounce back from hard exercise sessions quickly, and reap an

enormous host of other benefits.

But if you just take a single food group, like berries, extract their antioxidants, and

turn them into a concentrated, expensive juice in a bottle, you’re just getting a very

small piece of the total antioxidant spectrum. Even if it’s some rare berry from a far

away land.

And that’s not all.

More recently, studies have shown that it can actually be dangerous to just consume a

mega-dose of one single antioxidant like concentrated vitamin C or vitamin E, and

this may increase, not decrease, your risk for chronic diseases like heart disease or


So what am I getting to here?

EnerPrime is not a single dose of one antioxidant. Instead, it is a blend of many

different antioxidants in delicately balanced ratios: specifically selenium, vitamin C,

vitamin E, grape skin, vitamin A, isoflavones, milk thistle extract, N-Acetyl-LCysteine,

and dark green vegetable extracts.

In contrast, if you ever come across an antioxidant that is just one single food

compound, like some kind of berry in a super-concentrated juice, you’re not even

coming close to the spectrum of antioxidants in EnerPrime, and you may actually be

doing your body more harm than good.

2) Multi-Vitamins.

Whether in tablet, capsule, powder, liquid or injectable form, any multi-vitamin is a

formula intended to supplement a human diet with a daily recommended dose of

vitamins and minerals.

While this sounds quite nice, the unfortunate truth is that most multi-vitamins don’t

really give the body what it needs to support optimum health, longevity, or

performance. This is because the dosages in a multi-vitamin are often simply the

minimum necessary dose to keep you from getting a disease.

Take Vitamin D, for example. Until this year, the maximum dose in most multivitamins

was 400 International Units (IU), and in most cases the dose was much

lower than this. The recommended dose was just raised to 600IU this year, so you

may see slightly higher doses in multi-vitamins now.

But these doses are based on the recommended Vitamin D intake to avoid rickets

disease in children, and come nowhere near what most adults actually need for

normal healthy function! I personally use 5,000IU of Vitamin D a day, and many of

my clients take several thousand IU above that.

For these reasons, I don’t even take a multi-vitamin. I simply eat a healthy diet with a

high amount of vegetables and moderate amounts of healthy fats and meats, and then

supplement that diet EnerPrime, which contains digestive enzymes that help my body

to better absorb and utilize the vitamins from the foods that I am eating.

If you find a “cheap” green powder, tossed into the bargain bin of your local

supplements outlet or website, you’re pretty much guaranteed that they sourced the

cheapest, lowest quality spirulina to get their greens – and did that with the rest of

their ingredients as well.

In contrast, while the actual spirulina source of EnerPrime is kept as a trade secret, I

happen to have been given the inside scoop on where it is derived, and it is of the

most consistent quality and nutritional value of spirulina that can be found on the face

of the planet.



Hopefully, you know understand the difference between EnerPrime and antioxidants,

multi-vitamins, and other green powders. But we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s actually in EnerPrime. I didn’t even

talk about the stress reducing adaptogenic herbs based on thousands of years of Chinese herbal medicine, the appetite stabilizing minerals that control your blood

sugar levels and insulin production, or the concentrated plant extracts that help detoxify your liver and protect your organs from a daily onslaught of toxins and

environmental pollutants.

I do recommend multi-vitamins for children and aging individuals, whose guts tend to

absorb fewer vitamins. But regardless of age, you still need the nutritional support

that is going to help you maximize the absorption and utilization of those vitamins,

whether they’re from food or a multi-vitamin supplement.

So ultimately, here’s the bottom line:

Even thought it has some vitamins in it, EnerPrime isn’t a “multi-vitamin”.

Instead, EnerPrime gives your body what it needs to make your vitamins work,

regardless of where you get those vitamins. For this reason, you should never try to

“substitute” EnerPrime with a multi-vitamin.

3) Green Powders

Based on that rich, dark, green color that you see as soon as you open the lid of your

EnerPrime bottle, there’s no doubt about it: EnerPrime is most definitely a green


But EnerPrime is not just any green powder. Just about any green powder that you can find, including EnerPrime, is going to be a

mix of various green vegetables, including things like spirulina, green barley grass, wheat grass or alfalfa grass, kelp, ground leaf powders, spinach, broccoli, etc.

What are the benefits of all this green? Mostly, it comes down to the same reason your mother probably was always

reminding you to eat your vegetables: extreme nutrient density packed into a significantly low number of calories.

Take spirulina, for example (one of the primary ingredients in EnerPrime). Spirulina is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids, an enormous

spectrum of antioxidants, nearly every vitamin that exists, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc

– the list goes on and on!

There’s no wonder that your body finds huge benefits when that many different super compounds are packed into a miniscule number of calories.

But not all spirulina is created equal.

Since spirulina is an algae that is grown very similar to a plant, it can be laden with pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organism (GMO’s). Not only that, but

the growing environment and the technology used to harvest the spirulina can significantly affect the overall quality and nutrient density of the end product.

What this comes down to is what you may have heard me say before:

You couldn’t pay me not to take EnerPrime!”

To me, the cost of sacrificing my health, body and performance is too great to not simply wake up each morning, and

fill my body with a potent cocktail of the highest quality ingredients on earth.

What about you?

“Super Seven” Nutrition Supplements

“Super Seven” Nutrition Supplements

Endorsed by and written by Ben Greenfield

Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 10.04.40 AM I am often asked what my “Top Recommended Supplements” are. Sometimes the question is vague (i.e. overall health) and sometimes it is more specific (i.e. burn fat fast). But it is probably the most common question I receive. That’s understandable.

Ever walked in a health club, gym or supplement outlet and been hounded by what seems like eight thousand “fat loss” labels staring back at you? Or some supplement with thirty ingredients designed to “shed fat and build lean muscle”? Or an article in the newspaper that basically tells you “nothing at all works, just exercise harder”?

Having worked for over a decade with thousands of people from across the planet, I realize that everybody’s nutritional and dietary needs are vastly different. Because everybody’s body is different.

BUT, there are a handful of supplements (SEVEN, as a matter of fact) that I actually do recommend, across the board, for everybody. These specific supplements will ensure that your body operates at peak capacity with maximum fat burning, optimized physical performance, laser focus, enhanced mental clarity, and a bulletproof immune system. In other words, if you were headed to a stranded desert island, these are the supplements you’d want to take along. My “Super-Seven”, if you will. Anything else is just icing on the cake. Here they are (and yes, I take them all).

1. Mediterranean Oil of Oregano (Origanum Vulgare Essential Oil)

Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 10.05.24 AMI know you’ve probably never heard of it, but you can read more on my website listed at the end of this article. I just put a few drops under my tongue every night before bed, and also put a couple drops in a glass of water if I have to drink out a hotel room water tap or think I’ve eaten something that might be contaminated, like funny tasting meat at a restaurant. I also use it as an immune system booster along with Enerprime (#3 on the list) before and after I get on an airplane. It is mixed in a very unique and

highly effective and absorbable 7:1 almond:oregano oil ratio, and the version of this oil that I use is 75% carvacrol, the primary indicator of quality. It even comes with a laboratory certificate of analysis, which the “fake” stuff at the grocery store doesn’t give you. It is enormously effective in quickly eliminating yeast or fungal problems that lead to fat gain, eczema, acne, poor performance, and chronic fatigue. It can stop bad bugs in their tracks. It is also an incredibly rich source of iron and calcium, and can also be used as a topical anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-fungal.

2. Delta-E

Delta EThis is an all-natural energy booster powder that you simply mix with a few ounces of water (but sometimes I just pour a packet into my mouth and let the energy hit me righ away!).
It includes healthy doses of the most bio-available form of B vitamin, taurine for giving you physical energy, trace amounts of caffeine to stimulate the central nervous system, and L-theanine to increase dopamine production in the brain and give you happy energy (incidentally, with zero chance of a “crash”). I use this stuff as a pre-workout energy boost, I use it before triathlons, and I use it as an alternative to commercial energy drinks to bring me out of an afternoon “slump”. Way healthier than coffee (basically I have one cup of coffee in the morning, then I have this in the afternoon).

3. EnerPrime Superfood Supplement

EnerPrimeEnerPrime is basically like having ten salads for breakfast. It is a unique blend of ground-up vegetables, superfoods, adaptogens, antioxidants, phytonutrients, herbs, enzymes and micronutrients, over thirty of them that are too numerous for me to list here, but that you can read more about below. I put one teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water before breakfast every morning, which is basically the equivalent of six capsules. For the healthiest cocktail on the face of the planet, I actually mix the teaspoon of this with 1 packet of the Delta-E (listed above). This offers an enormous benefit for enhanced immune system and increased physical and mental performance, and I haven’t been sick in the 2

years since I started taking EnerPrime. I also crack open 1 capsule and put it into my baby’s food to help them get the powerful nutrients.

4. Lean Factor

LeanFactorLeanFactor is a proprietary formula with a synergistic blend of ingredients important or thyroid function and the addition of lean muscle tissue. The way that I like to explain it is that Lean Factor is for people who have too much fat and not enough lean muscle, or for people who have sluggish metabolism and low energy levels. Many of my fat loss clients or bodybuilders combine it with ThermoFactor (the next supplement down) for maximum fat loss shedding and lean muscle toning results, and I take it when I need to lose weight, fast.

5. ThermoFactor

THERMOFACTORThermoFactor is a synergistic formula that successfully addresses major issues associated with weight gain, or a resistance to weight loss. Its ingredients provide powerful metabolic-boosting support and help control the appetite and blood sugar balance. So if you have carbohydrate cravings because you just started a diet (or you just like candy!) or if you have problems with your appetite getting out of control, then this can help quite a bit, especially if you combine it with Lean Factor (the supplement mentioned above). If I’ve been having trouble with snacking at night, I take 1 capsule one hour prior to dinner, and my cravings melt away.

6. EnerEFA

EFAOrigcropEver heard of fish oil? This is basically the non-animal, non-”fishy tasting” alternative. EnerEFA contains a well-balanced combination of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in convenient capsule form. These powerful nutrients cannot be produced by the body and must be included in our
diet. The oils in these capsules assist your body in maintaining a healthy immune system, proper hormonal balance and a strong heart. Critical for
healthy joint function, prostate health and youthful moisturized skin, and in one study, people who took omega-3 fatty acids and did nothing
else “extra” lost 2 pounds of fat in 3 weeks. Interestingly, it is also great for developing healthy brains, and I break a capsule open and rub it into my kid’s feet before bed at night.!

7. ProstÉlan

prostelanOK, last one, and this is for you guys out there (although it has some really good effects for females as well). This synergestic formula includes a powerful flower pollen extract, clinically proven in Europe and Japan to promote prostate health and reduce inflammation, especially useful for male cyclists and triathletes, people who exercise frequently, or an older male population who worries about things like difficulty urinating or erectile dysfunction. It gives quicker and more comprehensive results than the usual nutritional choices such as saw palmetto or pygeum. ProstÉlan is rich in important anti-inflammatory nutrients for men, and I’m especially careful to take a couple capsules after a hard workout or when I’ve been riding a bicycle alot! Ladies, if you want the urinary tract infection prevention properties and the benefits of the super-food pollen extract included in this supplements, just take 2 a day- but also give it to your father, boyfriend, or husband for prevention of naturally occurring prostate issues. They’ll owe you for life.

So I know that sometimes people have questions about this type of stuff (nutrition supplements, pills, capsules, etc.), and whether it interferes with medications they’re taking, whether it is really “for them”, which ones are the best for their needs, when is the ideal time to take it in correlation to a meal, and so on. So, I’d like to offer you the opportunity to e-mail and just ask if you have any questions!

The fact is that most of us really aren’t getting everything that we need from food, and even though real food is a great natural source of nutrients, sometimes our goals go over and above the limitations that food can offer. When it comes to taking care of your body, prevention and preparation are key and each of the supplements listed above arms you with exactly what you need to optimize wellness.

Learn more about Ben at
100WaysBook-150pxBen is also the author of “100 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism”

available through

IMPaX WORLD (916) 939-9800




Disclaimer – Individual results may vary.
These statements on each product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Summer’s Story

I have been a faithful supporter of EnerPrime since introduced to it in the spring of 2004, however I had not really considered the possible benefits for animals until the need arose to save a horse.    Leslie Routt (AKA—Mrs. Claus)

Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 9.36.13 AMHi, My Name is Summer. I’m 950 lbs. of pure good looks. I’m a half Arab, half Quarter Horse, Palomino and I just turned 17 years old. For the past 12 years I have enjoyed participating in competitive endurance rides, teaching people to ride, and helping “special kids” as a Therapeutic Horse for kids with disabilities as well as having fun on trail rides. My owners Peggy, Emily & Mark have always taken very good care of me. In return I take care of them, especially Mark. Because of his disabili- ties, I have to make sure that he is safe.

Last August I wasn’t feeling good. I didn’t have much energy and I didn’t enjoy my job as a therapy horse. I didn’t want to eat or come out of my paddock. Peggy and some of the other “Reins In Motion” Therapy people could tell that something wasn’t right, but they weren’t sure what. They called my Veterinarian. I like my vet; some times I get to see him at the endurance rides checking the horses.

The next thing I knew, I was in a trailer going to U.C. Davis Veterinary Hospital. I was scared, because usually it’s the really sick horses that go to Davis. They put me in a padded cell, I mean stall, no I actually mean cell, while they ran tests. It turned out that my immune system was severally compromised and I was anemic. My red blood cell count was about 8% of normal and the vet was surprised that I was still alive. He immediately gave me steroids to boost my red cell count. Day two my count increased to about 15%, then day three back down to 9%. After 5 days they sent me home. For me to recover, if I was to recover at all, it would take at least a year.

Mrs. Claus, became aware of my situation and suggested I start taking EnerPrime. She even donated a bottle (thank you). Peggy wasn’t sure if it would work, so she called my Vet at U.C. Davis. He said, “Go ahead and give it to her, what do we have to loose.” What did he mean, “What do we have to loose?” Me! – did he forget?

Everyone was puzzled—they had never seen orange hoofs on a horse before! A little research revealed that my body was being detoxified by the EnerPrime. In a few weeks my hoofs were back to normal. 120 days later I was taken back to U.C. Davis where they took blood again to check my progress. The Vet was hoping for a blood count of about 25% of normal. To his amazement, it was off the charts at 80%! Take that Doc! He had never seen or even dreamed of such an improvement. The Vet wanted to know what Peggy was doing. She told him about the EnerPrime. The Vet wanted info on EnerPrime because of how well it worked.

After about 4 months I was out doing short trail rides, this makes me happy! Now I’m helping with the therapy kids again. Peggy was told it would take over a year to recover, if I would recover at all. What do Humans know. Now I take EnerPrime every day, and I feel great!

I have to go now, you see it’s Thursday, Woo hoo! That means we trail ride at Camp Arroyo. Us horses get to leave the center where we normally teach and give rides to kids with disabilities at a camp.

Oh, by the way my Foundation, “Reins in Motion”, put all the other horses and Peggy’s dog on EnerPrime. Pretty soon all the humans were also taking EnerPrime too. Horses can actually teach humans something, when we can get them to slow down and pay attention.

By now! Happy Trails……..

Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 9.36.26 AMSummer is our beautiful Palomino diva! She is half Arabian and half Quarter Horse.

Summer is very intuitive and smart. She knows as soon as a rider sits on her back exactly how she should behave, whether it is to walk very slowly or adjust her body back and forth to help balance the rider.

Summer is amazing at reading the clients inner feelings and letting us instructors know what is going on from the inside out. One must be willing to listen to what she is saying. She needs her clothes fitting properly and is picky about her riding cues.

More info about Reins in Motion:



With what do most people have a love-hate relationship?  What do we talk about when we can’t think of  anything else to say?  What do we complain about regularly?  What is likely to be totally new every few hours?  What newscast would be complete without it?  The weather, of course.  And one person’s delight is another’s nemesis.

For example, the coming of spring causes most of us to react with delight to the burgeoning changes.  We feel cheerful, optimistic, and more energetic.   To others who are weather-sensitive, however, spring can be a mixed bag.  For some it simply marks the end of a mild depression, sometimes referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  For others it can actually contribute to increased suicide attempts.

For hundreds of years scientists have tried hard to understand how human beings are conditioned by weather.  Contemporary scientists, called biometeorologists, continue to study the effects of weather on people;  the relationship between mental and physical health and changes in temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure.  That there is a connection is not surprising.  After all, 98% of our skin is intimately in touch with the ocean of air that surrounds us.  The atmosphere conditions us, some more than others.

Stephen Rosen, author of the book Weathering, suggests that half to three-quarters of the population is subjectively weather-sensitive– at least intermittently.  The degree of sensitivity is affected by many factors such as temperament, age, physique, gender, station in life, and perhaps even location of residence.  In general the very young, the very old, females, and geniuses exhibit more weather-sensitivity.  Rosen even suggests that our moods today correlate with what the weather was one or two days age.  Why not check it out in your own life?

Hippocrates, often referred to as the father of medicine, was probably one of the first biometeorologists.  He may have been weather-sensitive himself because he told medical students to study the relationships between disease and the seasons!

Large-sample studies have defined at least thirty-seven symptoms of weather-sensitivity.  Research suggests that one’s reaction time tends to be slower during periods of cloudy, snowy or rainy weather.  The diastolic (resting phase) blood pressure falls when we travel from a cold to a warmer climate and vice versa.  Root canal pain increases during cold, moist weather.  The incidence of appendicitis tends to rise during heat waves.  Shifts in atmospheric conditions are believed to trigger temporary symptoms such as fatigue, disinclination to work, restless sleep, headaches, impaired concentration, loss of appetite, bad moods, and an increased tendency to make mistakes.

When the barometric pressure falls, the body often absorbs more water from the intestines causing swelling in the legs, waistline, or elsewhere.  For example, retained water can squeeze brain tissue, leading to irritability and depression in some cases.  Rises in the barometric pressure, on the other hand, usually lead to fair weather and correspondingly promote sunny disposition and induce positive health changes.

Some European countries actually provide medically-oriented-weather projections.  The Bioprognosis system forecasts medical ailments based upon the weather phases and observed lags in individual-weather responses.  Imagine turning on your radio or television and hearing something like this:

 “Expect scattered sore throats and sleep disturbances tonight,  Tomorrow, an increase in upper respiratory infections, headaches, depression, and general malaise.  Anticipate a decrease in sleep disturbances and an increase in energy levels by the following morning.”

If  you react to the weather differently from others, be tolerant.  One or all of you may be weather sensitive–just in different ways.   We need not be victims of the weather, however.  We can take responsibility for donning (or doffing) appropriate clothing, for using artificial light sources that are as similar to daylight as possible, and for enjoying the variety that atmospheric conditions contribute to our lives.  We can also use a supplement to help keep our brain neurotransmitters functioning optimally.

What supplement, did I hear you ask? EnerPrime ä,  of course.  If you are one of the weather-sensitive, it just might help to reduce the severity of your symptoms.  Let it rain, snow, mist, bake, or blow—your internal life can be healthfully green and systematically balanced regardless of the weather.

by Arlene Taylor Ph.D.