New York Times
Bestselling Author

A Prominent Author Selling Popular Books and Audiobooks

A large ship in the water with smoke coming from it.

A Personal Note From Jeff

May 11, 2024

ALL PRE-ORDERS HAVE BEEN SHIPPED!   I now have copies of  "The Shadow of War" for immediate shipping, and will autograph the books however you wish.  (See the "Shop" page)  I should have audio books (CDs) within a week, so I can accept orders for those too.  The Large Prints won't be out until later this summer.

The Shadow of War covers the events dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you look at the bottom of this page, you'll see the cover art, which I think is  very cool.  I'm proud to note that it's my 20th book.  I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I'm proud of it anyway.

Also, the new paperback edition of THE OLD LION, my Teddy Roosevelt story, is now available for immediate shipment as well.

The "TOURS AND APPEARANCES" page has been updated.  There are several events scheduled from now until October.  We don't  travel as much as we used to (the publisher's decision), but if I happen to be close by, please stop by!

Please note the email link in the upper right corner- "" I look forward to hearing from you, whether with input (or criticism) of any of my work or just a friendly hello. I promise I read every email you send and respond to as many as possible (even the grumpy ones). It might take me a little while, but it's almost certain you’ll hear from me.

I wish you and your family a most safe and happy summer!

Jeff Shaara