A Brighton based Sound Professional for over thirty years John Thursfield has experience in almost every area of sound production, from film and video to radio and digital media.

John has an intuitive feel for the art in audio and brings this to his work as Sound Designer, Composer and Sound Recordist. Whether writing music, creating multi-track soundscapes or recording on location or in the studio he is quick, thorough and has an attention to detail whilst still managing to keep an eye to cost effectiveness. He puts others at ease in a technical environment and gets the best from experienced and novice collaborators. His highly developed editing skills can make a lot from a little and his inventiveness can make marvellous the mundane.

John has a post-graduate degree in Sound Design for the Moving Image from Bournemouth Media School and has designed the sound for Radio 4 plays and several award-winning films. His skills inform his feature making, one of which was chosen by the Radio College as an example of the best radio of 2007. His music has been heard on Channel 4 television”.


Latest news - 30/09/21

John has just finished the working on the sound design for an online training video for Health Education England"
audio: whereilive.mp3

'Where I live'

Montage of sounds from Brighton. Includes the station, seafront, Palace Pier, Hove carousel and a busker.