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The Leiningers

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GREETINGS FROM FORT MILL, SC The picture above demonstrates why we relocated from Hilton Head Island to Fort Mill - we want to be involved in the lives of Noah, Davis and Ryan, our most incredible grandsons. David is now involved with the Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church where he began his ministry 40+ years ago. He serves that congregation week to week and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Sunday worship is at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary. Pop in "20 Meeting Lane, Liberty Hill, SC" in your GPS and plan on joining us. The photograph below was taken this fall by Patti Kelly, one of the church members - she had it printed and mounted on a 16x20 canvas and gave it to us for David's birthday. It now resides proudly in our front hall. Christie has some health challenges and is currently being cared for in an assisted living facility near our home.

Liberty Hill PC

Weddings are not as high on the agenda as they were when we lived on Hilton Head Island. David's efforts with the Liberty Hill Church have taken priority. However, he is sometimes available to officiate at ceremonies in the York, Lancaster and Kershaw Counties vicinity. Click on the WEDDINGS button above for information, then call us and we will try to assist.

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Colorblind Church God of Justice

BOOK SALE!!! Book prices are always too high (at least, according to former seminary students who had to buy them). Fortunately, we can offer at least a little discount from publisher's prices when you purchase online. Click here for more descriptive information about the books, ordering information, and to take advantage of author's discounts on the books available. By the way, David's newest book from last year, The 2,000 Year Old Preacher: 21st century sermons on 1st century texts is still available. It is a collection of sermons for the Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany seasons for Year B in the Revised Common Lectionary. His sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount that was preached this summer for Liberty Hill's Lakeside Worship is now in the hands of the publisher.

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Want to help the hungry? Of course! With just the click of your mouse??? Absolutely!!! Use the button above to make a donation that costs you nothing but a few seconds of your time.

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