Breeding Quality American Water Spaniels Since 1992

Photo Gallery was last updated on May 12, 2024

Follow this link to read our interview with the AKC: click here

Write or call for information on future litters. We anticipate that our next litter will arrive in July 2024.

Gracie grabbing chukar

At Little Brownies Kennel we are motivated to provide a high-quality companion that will represent the American Water Spaniel breed well. Our breeding program is multifaceted and takes into account the hunting ability, health, trainability, proper structure, and temperament of the dogs we choose to breed. The goal is to produce dogs that make great companions at home and in the field, while also doing our best to assure that they live long and healthy lives.

As responsible breeders, we provide continual contact to all our buyers who seek help with providing the proper care and training of their new companion. We encourage kennel visits prior to the purchase of one of our puppies and can usually set up such a visit within seven to fourteen days of contact.

Kennel Club Books released the latest AWS breed book titled,
"American Water Spaniel A Comprehensive Owners Guide" in May 2007

As anyone that looks for information on the AWS is well aware, there is little information to be found. This book was written by Paul Morrison at the urging of the publisher, Kennel Club Books, the support of his wife Lynn, and with the help of friends within the AWS community who contributed pictures and stories to the project. If you are interested in learning a little history on the AWS and to know some of the peculiarities of the breed this book will definitely meet your needs. Now some 14 years after publication the book has limited availability but can often be obtained through in e-book format or on eBay.

For other items of interest, check out the “Other Info” button at the top of the page.