Attention: Legitimate Coaches, Consultants, Experts & Course Creators...

Simplify Your Marketing & Sales,

Fill Your Courses & Build A List Of High-Ticket Buyers Using One "Micro Book"

Inside This Book I'll Show You How One Micro Book Created In Two Days Can Replace All The Complex Marketing Stuff...

This book is for you if you meet the following:

  • You're sick and tired of starting over from scratch EVERY single month, with zero momentum to show for it...

  • You've tried all of the complex marketing and sales tactics in the book, but still don't have the business you want

  • You're stuck in a cycle of trying to build an audience, but they don't listen to you, pay attention to you or buy your stuff

  • Relying on referrals or sending DMs makes it hard to grow sales

  • You either don't have an email list or the one you have is full of freebee seekers who don't buy from you

  • You're DONE with wasting so much time giving away free stuff, posting content and dealing with tyre-kickers who can't afford your premium stuff anyway


Hey, my name is Shaun Mitchell...

...and over the next few minutes I'm going to share a NEW reliable way to fill your coaching programs and courses using one Micro Book.

Let's face it... most experts trying to sell their stuff online are all STUCK doing the same old things and getting terrible results:

Spending hours posting "content" on social media...

  • Yet even after you've spent ages giving away your best content... you get low engagement rates & nobody reaches out to buy your stuff

Using ads to give away freebies & "lead magnets"...

  • Yet nobody bothers to even look at your lead magnet... and your ads just lose money and in return you have leads who don't open emails

Fishing in Facebook Groups & DMs trying to get sales calls...

  • Yet you value post along with 50 others coaches, and everybody seems to be trying to sell each other, or you get ghosted

Ask me how I know... 😩

I wasted so much time spinning in circles, trying to fill my courses and coaching programs, and to get high-ticket clients.

I tried every trick in the book...

❌ Complex webinars that nobody sticks around to watch

❌ Spending 80+ hours a week on social media giving away free "value"

❌ Launching new complex funnels only to get bogged down in the tech trenches

❌ Sitting on Zoom sales calls with anybody I could persuade, only to be told "I can't afford that right now..."

❌ Trying to build an email list by giving away lead magnets but people didn't ever buy from me (many unsubscribed as soon as I made an offer)

❌ You name it, I tried it...

Literally none of the tactics worked for me.

Things got so desperate that I invested $9,800 with one of the big gurus with a great sales pitch that promised a simple way to get clients...

Only to realize their strategy was nothing more than adding strangers as friends, sending them DMs and "value" posting in groups. Ugh. 😔

Doing this for hours on end just left me stressed and burned out.

Even worse, I had great programs that I couldn't GIVE AWAY - let alone charge high prices for.

I hated every single minute.

Even though I was an expert at what I did and could really help people, it didn't matter. Why? Because I didn't have a way to get in front of the right people reliably.

Now I was:

💰 Out of pocket in a big way

👫 My partner thought either I was an idiot... or the whole thing was a scam (which it kinda was?)

😩 I STILL didn't have an audience or a reliable system in place.

But I'm a stubborn guy.

I was determined to make this stuff work and to have the business I wanted. So I rolled up my sleeves, and tested a TON of new different stuff.

Eventually I had a big breakthrough that changed everything for me...

Things look very different for me now.

👉 I now make consistent sales every day (and I don't use social media AT ALL - other than a few mins a week to tweak my ads)...

👉 The only people on my email list are ACTION-TAKERS who have bought something from me, know who I am, and open my emails...

👉 People from this audience reach out to ME to become clients 🥳

Here's what a typical day now looks like for me:

I wake up to sales notifications EVERY SINGLE DAY, and as a result I'm much happier.

These people pay ME to join my email list, and then reach out to me to buy my other stuff just using simple emails & G-Docs.

My coaching business is fulfilling, profitable and FUN!

Here's how I did it:

Ditching ALL The Other Complex Marketing & Replacing It With One "Micro Book"...

Why did this work so well?

1. BUYERS > Leads

People looking for free stuff either won't open your emails, or will disappear quickly after downloading it. They are very hard to sell to, cause they typically look for free stuff, don't use it, then dip.

Freebee seekers are like kangaroos - they have arms long enough to stuff things into their pouch, but not long enough to reach into their back pocket to pull out a credit card haha.

But by building a list of people who are:

a. Wallet in hand buyers

b. Like you and know what you do

You get far better quality... and you'll enjoy high conversions and very low sales friction as a result.

Why? Because:

✅ You've given readers a quick win in your book

✅ They've spent time to learn why you're different

✅ A book positions you naturally as an expert authority on your subject

2. They build a quality email list

Every profitable online business has one "secret" moat that gives them an unfair advantage; a high quality email list.

An email list audience acts like a warm blanket around you, so that anytime you need a cash injection or have space for a new client, you can go fishing on your email list and fill it quickly.

Most coaches either don't have an email list, or it's filled with freebie seekers who aren't qualified and cannot afford premium offerings.

But by growing your email list by 10-20 buyers every day using a Micro Book, you'll soon have an asset that gives you reliable sales growth every month.

3. It makes ads simple by erasing for ad spend

One of the biggest issues with trying to grow fast with ads is that it can get expensive FAST. Without the right system, it can feel like throwing good money into a black hole, hoping some of it will come back.

You spend an age setting something up, only to be forced to turn your ads off after a few days of losing money.

But by selling a $3-20 book, you can erase ad costs inside of 24 hours... while adding buyers to your email list every single day, who are likely to upgrade to your courses, programs and high-ticket stuff.

This is like getting paid, to get paid (and let's you grow an email list really fast!)

4. It works even if you don't want to write a book

I'll be real with you... I didn't want to lock myself away and spend months writing a book.

I'm a busy guy. But here's the thing: a Micro Book doesn't take long to "write".

If you can talk about what you do for an hour, it's not hard to turn it into a 20-50 page Micro Book in just a couple of days.

You can then use it to bring in new buyers every single day for YEARS.

Plus a Micro Book actually gets CONSUMED. People don't want long courses or 500 page books anymore.

They get bored and tune out. If they tune out they forget who you are... ignore your emails... and you're back to square one.

But when people consume your stuff and you give them a quick win, something magical happens...

...they LISTEN to you and then are far more likely to buy your other offers.

The best part about Micro Books?

👍 Micro Books work in almost every industry.

👍👍 They are very cheap to create.

👍👍👍 They deliver quick results for you and the reader.

👍👍👍👍 They're fast to create.

👍👍👍👍👍 They are easy to sell.

Speaking of easy to sell... books have a natural tangible value (unlike stuff like toolkits or mini courses which are hard for people who don't know you to put a value on.)

Yet people are used to spending $10-$50 on books all the time without a second thought, so you sell them easily without needing super crazy sales pages or copy.

Inside my Micro Book to Clients book available on this page, I show you exactly how to write and publish a Micro Book in a day or two that does all of this for your own business:

  • Building A List Of Buyers - Instead of filling your audience with freebie seekers who just waste your time, you will be building your list with BUYERS who are far more likely to spend more money with you (QUALITY over quantity)

  • No More Algorithm Dances - You won't need to dance to the Social Media algorithms tune anymore to try and get attention. This strategy not only gets you dream customers and clients, but it buys back your time too (goodbye spamming groups and DMs)

  • Get Paid To Use Ads - No more wasting money on ads... when you have a Micro Book erasing ad spend, you'll be able to bring in as many sales as you want using paid ads and never lose a dime

After you have finished reading this short book, you'll know exactly how to add 10-20 new BUYERS daily on your email list at net zero ad cost, and how to ascend them into your courses, programs and high-ticket offers like clockwork.

❌ No more webinars...

❌ No more posting on social media...

❌ No more complex funnels...

❌ No more DMs or sales calls...

❌ No more lists of freebee seekers...

One micro book is ALL you need to have a scalable, profitable coaching business starting right now.

Here's Some Of What

You're About To Read...

  • How to build big lists of BUYERS instead of 'old fashioned' lead gen using one paid micro book.

  • How to use your Micro Book so it not only erases ad spend, but primes readers to become clients of your premium products.

  • The 2 "master numbers" that can take your book from losing money, to being very scalable.

  • Exactly how to price your micro book (hint: cheap isn't always best.)

  • How to ascend a micro book buyer into a high-ticket client using nothing more than simple emails & G-Docs

  • The simple _________ you should use that makes people beg to buy your micro book.

  • A game plan for adding 10-20 high-ticket leads ever day into your business like clockwork

  • How to correctly "frame" your micro book so that it rapidly builds trust and sets you apart from your competition.

  • How to engineer micro wins into your book that moves readers closer to buying more stuff from you, more often

  • The biggest mistake every person makes when writing a book, and how to avoid it.

  • Why NOW is the best time to skip the freebee seekers and to evolve to acquisition, and why leaving it too long could ruin your business.

  • How to position your Micro Book so that you become the recognized "go to" expert in your market (even if nobody knows who you are right now)

  • The MTC process for having a waiting list of clients to finally get off the hamster wheel of starting from scratch every single month.

  • How to make a Micro Book the centrepiece of your marketing so you can kick all of the other complex stuff to the curb

  • How to write a page-turning micro book in 2 days... without writing a single word.

  • The perfect add-on that rapidly increases the amount you can charge for your book (most people don't know about this so are missing out on a lot of lost revenue)

  • The Perfect Micro Book layout so that people read your book, get results, and come back begging to buy more from you

  • How to open "gimmie slots" in your readers minds that pre-sells them, and only YOUR offers can fulfill this new desire (this makes hard-selling redundant)

  • And a whole lot more.

The "Micro Book to Clients" book is for sale on this page for only $3.

You get instant access to it (no need to wait around for it to arrive in the mail.)

It’s a quick read, at 52 pages it can be easily read in an evening.

I’m not bothered about charging you a lot, because it allows me to transfer a quick win to you, in the same way I teach in the book.

You can buy other stuff from me if you want to - there's no hidden fees or hidden continuity programs attached.

But honestly, I don’t care either way, as long as you win from this - I’m happy.

At this point you have

2 options...

Option "A"

Do nothing, click away and go back to giving away freebies to try to build your email list and starting over every month...

Option "B"

Invest $3 & learn how to add 10-20 BUYERS to your list daily who are highly likely to buy your

premium stuff from you...

There’s not a lot you can get for $3 anymore.

And I'm guessing that as you're still reading this... you're pretty serious about upgrading the way in which you get customers and clients for your business.

You want to move away from giving away free stuff that attracts freebie seekers like ants to sugar, or grinding social media and DMs to try and sell your offers.

I'm happy to say that this book gives you the weapon and strategy needed to achieve that.

This book contains the blueprint to adding 10-20 buyers every day to your email list, who you can turn into clients using simple emails.

It can be read in just one sitting, so won't take much of your time.

It's the same strategy I've installed into all of my own coaching businesses now, and its working right now.

Being honest, I wish I'd have figured this stuff out sooner, but I'm hoping to shave a ton of frustration, time, and money off your journey by giving you access to this book today.

Regardless, you're covered by our unconditional money back guarantee. Here are your options:

👍 You see tremendous value and are happy to have invested $3 to learn this model.

👎 Or you don’t, it’s a waste of your time and you want your $3 back.

If for whatever reason you don’t feel you got $3 worth of value, I will refund you and you can keep the book. Yep, anytime in the next 365 days you feel that you need your $3 back, just email my team ([email protected]), and we will get your money back to you, no questions asked.

It hasn't happened yet, but I want you to know that you have nothing to lose by picking up your copy of the Micro Book to Clients book today.

Either way, the choice is yours.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I look forward to reading your feedback, and results from the book.

Shaun Mitchell

P.S. If you skipped the letter and came straight to the end, here's the deal:

You’re getting my brand new Micro Book to Clients book, which is the playbook for creating a micro book, and selling 10-20 copies of it every day to build an engaged list of BUYERS who are likely to upsell into your programs, courses and high-ticket stuff-all while erasing ad spend.

It’s available to buy on this page today for just $3.

The book is available to download instantly after purchasing so you don’t have to worry about it getting lost in shipping.

And if for whatever reason you don’t like it, I will send you the money back and you keep the book.

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Grab Your Copy Of The "Micro Book to Clients" Book

Get Instant Access Today For Just $3

Discover the proven framework for creating a micro book that sells, and then using it to build an engaged list of buyers who are likely to upsell into your high-ticket programs and courses - , all while completely erasing ad costs


Still not convinced or need help with ordering? Email via [email protected] or click the chat icon in the bottom right... our team is on hand to help!

Here's my promise to you: The Micro Book to Clients Book will show you everything that I've talked about on this page, and much more.

But if you're not satisfied, just email my team at [email protected] and they'll send you a full refund for your book purchase.

I don't care what the reason is, if you're not happy then neither am I, and your $3 will be sent back to you the same day (even if it's a Sunday) and you keep the book. Simple as that.

This is a one-full-year money back guarantee.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.