
Mokoro Solutions (Underwritten By Safrican Insurance Company) offers tailored Funeral Benefits to cater for special groups of people who often have differing insurance needs. Amongst these are Churches, Stokvels, Burial Societies and Funeral Parlours which are concerned about funeral benefits for their members

Why Choose Us

The proof in the pudding is when you have a claim, and that’s where our point of difference is: having someone in your corner, who’s going to help you when you do have a claim. That’s us, Mokoro Solutions. We’re there, we’ll go into bat for our clients, and help them get claims paid on time.


Funeral Administration Services

Mokoro Solutions is an administrator who offers a Managed services and Business solutions. We attend to your everyday administration needs allowing you to focus on your core business.

Funeral Insurance Benefits

Contributions by members may prove inadequate in the case of the cost of a burial and expenses associated with family member’s funeral. Mokoro Solutions (FSP50446), can assist to alleviate this burden with affordable funeral plans to suit the customer’s pocket.