
Welcome to NAFC

Established in 1995, the National Association of Forensic CounselorsTM is the first certification board to develop standards and establish the specialty professions of Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist, and the very first certification board to develop standards and establish certification for Human Trafficking Victims Services Providers.



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Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology

Likeness Used as Bait in Catfishing: How Can Hidden Victims of Catfishing Reel in Relief?

Tyler W. Hartney
University of Minnesota Law School

"Catfishing is “[t]he phenomenon of internet predators that fabricate online identities and entire social circles to trick people into emotional/romantic relationships (over a long period of time) ... With the increased use of social media, the opportunities for the creation and use of fake profiles have expanded. Reports have found that one in ten profiles on certain social media and matchmaking sites are fake ..."

Human Trafficking

Resources,Research, Articles, and Information for Human Trafficking and Support for Victims and Their Families, Social Workers, Counselors, and Legal Professionals.


Resources, Research, Articles, and Information on Cults, and Support/Help for Former/Current Cult Members and Their Families, Social Workers, Counselors, and Legal Professionals.


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About NAFC


The NAFC was the first to establish post graduate standards, guidelines, and professional responsibility to identify a competent workforce in the mental health, criminal justice, addictions and corrections professions in the very specialized areas of forensic counseling and criminal justice counseling and supervision.


NAFC has consistently been a leader in promoting safe and effective treatment and supervision of offenders in both civil and criminal cases, improving communication between the clinician and criminal justice system, and enhanced protection of the public. The NAFC Mission is to Promote Competency and Training among Persons Working with Criminal Offenders.

The Certification for the Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist

The National Association of Forensic Counselors is the first and largest independent multi-disciplinary credentialing board representing the Forensic Counselor and Criminal Justice Specialist.

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The American Academy of Certified Forensic Counselors (AACFC) is the Certification Commission of the National Association of Forensic Counselors.