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Learn to drive with the help of a private driving instructor

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5 /5

Tutors with an average rating of 5 and over 57 reviews.

13 £/h

The best prices: 95% of tutors offer their first lesson free and the average lesson cost is £13/hr

4 h

Fast as lightning! Our tutors usually respond in under 4hrs

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💰What is the average price of Driving tutoring?

The average price of Driving lessons is £13.

The price of your lessons depends on a number of factors

  • The experience of your teacher
  • The location of your lessons (at home, online, or an outside location)
  • the duration and frequency of your lessons

97% of teachers offer their first lesson for free.

Find a private Driving tutor near me on Superprof.

💻 Can you take Driving lessons online?

On Superprof, many of our Driving tutors offer online tuition. To find online classes, just select the webcam filter in the search bar to see the available tutors offering online options in your desired subject. 

Find online Driving lessons on Superprof.

🎓 How many tutors are available to give Driving lessons?

415 tutors are currently available to give Driving lessons near you. 

⭐️ How are our Driving tutors rated?

Our Driving tutors have an average rating of 5 out 5.

These reviews have been collected directly from students and pertain to their experience with the Driving tutors on our platform. These reviews serve as a guarantee and attest to the professionalism of our teachers. All reviews are validated by our community, and highlight the quality of our teachers.

If you have any issues or questions, our customer service team is available to help you.

You can view tutor ratings by consulting the reviews page.

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You'll have so many talented driving teachers to choose from!

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Essential information about your driving lessons

✅ Average price:£13/h
✅ Average response time:4h
✅ Tutors available:415
✅ Lesson format:Face-to-face or online

Learn to drive with the help of a private instructor on Superprof

Ready to pass your driving test in the UK and take on the freedom of the open roads? Achieving this milestone isn't just about enthusiasm - it will also require you to dedicate a lot of your time to be as ready as you can be once your test day finally arrives! There's a lot to learn, from mastering the art of parallel parking to figuring out road signs and navigating different traffic conditions. Thankfully, we're here to help make your journey much less stressful. By using Superprof, you can effortlessly search your area for an expert private instructor who can steer you in the right direction. So, why wait? Start your driving journey with Superprof today and take the first step towards making your driving aspirations a reality!

Should You Learn to Drive With a Private Instructor or Driving School?

Deciding between a private instructor and a driving school is an essential choice in your journey to becoming a driver! But what are the differences between the two? Well, driving schools often come with a standardized curriculum and have multiple instructors on hand. They're a great option if you're looking to complete an intensive driving course to get your license quickly. Alongside this, driving schools also feature a broad range of services - including theory test prep and practice tests.

On the other hand, private instructors are great if you want customized lessons. For example, they can effortlessly adapt your lessons to fit your learning style and boost your confidence level behind the wheel.

What's more, they're also an excellent option for nervous learners or those who have specific challenges they want to overcome. Nervous about driving in heavy traffic? A private instructor can design lessons that gradually build your confidence in this area!

How Long Does It Take to Learn to Drive?

Typically, the hours needed to become a competent driver vary significantly from one learner driver to another. In general, it takes most people 40-50 hours of practical training to pass the driving test. However, don't be upset if it takes you a little longer - it's better to build your confidence in your driving skills than rushing in to test before you're ready. Moreover, these hours don't include the time you'll spend preparing for your theory test either. Also, the type of course you choose can impact the time it takes. Although driving courses might allow you to become test-ready in a shorter period - they're also pretty intense and pricey. To save money, you might want to supplement your driving lessons by practising with a friend or family member, but make sure they're fully licensed and insured first.

How Much Do Driving Lessons Cost in the UK?

Unfortunately, driving lessons aren't cheap - on average, you're looking at around £20-£30 per hour for manual driving lessons. What's more, automatic driving lessons can be even more expensive. Likewise, intensive driving courses, while fast, can cost upwards of £1000. Additionally, there are other costs like the theory test, practical driving test, and learner driver insurance to consider. However, there's some good news! On Superprof, you can shop for affordable driving lessons that suit your budget.

Additionally, many instructors offer the first lesson as a free trial. This allows you to gauge your compatibility with the instructor's teaching style before you commit to more lessons. Moreover, a trial lesson allows you to discuss your specific needs and goals, from mastering tricky roundabouts to becoming comfortable with high-speed driving.

How Can You Make Sure You Pass Your Driving Test?

If you want to pass your driving test, you'll need to make sure you're well-prepared for both the practical and theory tests. Many people find that taking a mock test before the actual driving test can be beneficial - as it simulates the test environment and can ease nerves. In addition to this, try to be aware of the common mistakes learner drivers make during the test. These often range from improper mirror checks to poor road positioning. Additionally, spend some time getting to know the driving test routes around your local test centre.

Similarly, you must ensure you're comfortable with the car you'll use for the test. Whether it's your instructor's car or a different one, familiarity can make a big difference on the day. Last but least, make sure you go over the feedback from your driving lessons with your instructor. Addressing these issues can provide that extra edge you need to pass your driving test!

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