Finished watching Kill La Kill. All Hail Satsuki, the Eyebrow Queen! I really like her arc and her eyebrows so I wanted to paint her :)
The clothing design and plot aside (unabashed and embraces fan service), the animation is pretty good. Can’t...

Finished watching Kill La Kill. All Hail Satsuki, the Eyebrow Queen! I really like her arc and her eyebrows so I wanted to paint her :) 
The clothing design and plot aside (unabashed and embraces fan service), the animation is pretty good. Can’t ignore all the dazzling lens flares.

Procreate / Photoshop 
(40 hours on and off in the last year).


Painted a wallpaper of Hanzo (and Genji ;D), for an Overwatch art contest on Twitch.

Wallpaper can be downloaded here.  
1920x1200, 1920x1080, plus a vertical image

Since S0N0S has been playing Overwatch quite a bit, Hanzo has been his fave hero so I wanted to paint a wallpaper with some inspiration by the “Dragons” origin story. The display of the sparrow feather Hanzo had in front of the shrine was significant in honoring the memory of his brother, Genji. From that tie-in I painted Hanzo finishing his ult attack with his gaze toward the feather and Genji as the green dragon looming in the background to display their past conflict and tenuous future together.

Took about 17 hours using Adobe Photoshop CS6, to paint this all from scratch (including the tattoo and dragon, painted it from scratch), with a couple of texture brushes for the background. You can watch part of my live stream of it here!

Painted a Dark Souls 1 PVP character for streamer, S0N0S, It’s his character just chillin’ while waiting for forest gankers :D :D
It was a major challenge painting up so much armor! Took about 17 hours.
Ornestein set with giant’s helm,...

Painted a Dark Souls 1 PVP character for streamer, S0N0S, It’s his character just chillin’ while waiting for forest gankers :D :D

It was a major challenge painting up so much armor! Took about 17 hours.
Ornestein set with giant’s helm, claymore and grass crest shield.

Painted live on my Twitch stream: 
(Part 1)(Part 2), (Part 3)

Vincent Paledust - Peeve's Bloodborne Roleplaying character - wallpaper Vincent Paledust - Peeve's Bloodborne Roleplaying character - portrait Vincent Paledust- Art Process

I painted a Bloodborne role playing character, Vincent Paledust, for Twitch streamer PeevePeeverson.  He donated to my Extralife 2015 Charity Fundraiser and as a reward I painted his character.

Painted live on my Twitch art stream:, stop by to check out how I paint from start to finish!

These are portraits I painted to raise money for ExtraLife 2015, a children’s hospital charity. Donators would provide reference images and I would paint them a bust portrait. My fundraising period is over but there are more paintings to come :D :D

Requests for these was an original blood elf by @emberthyst, a Twitch Admin dressed in a police uniform with a bright pink/blue swirly background (JhnnyCrwsh), and a Dota2 Crystal Maiden cosplay by dozkan)

Both painted live on my Twitch art stream:, stop by to check out how I paint from start to finish!

These are two Extra Life 2015 charity donation requests back in December 2015.

St. Nicholas requested a portrait of himself with a santa hat, and Kazzy requested a portrait of herself with a santa hat as well!

Painted live on my Twitch art stream:, stop by to check out how I paint from start to finish!

Dark Souls Solaire of Astora!

This was an Extra Life 2015 charity portrait request that I painted of Solaire from Dark Souls 1 (requested by Nocturnal Fox)

The original sun on his shirt is more smirky, almost a smile, but I decided to make it a bit sad looking because everyone’s story in the souls games turns out sad in one way or another. Go sunbro, go find that sun!  ☼ \ [T] / ☼

Painted live on my Twitch art stream:, stop by to check out how I paint from start to finish!

These are portraits I painted to raise money for ExtraLife 2015, a children’s hospital charity. Donators would provide reference images and I would paint them a bust portrait. My fundraising period is over but there are more paintings to come :D :D

Requests for these was a bouquet of kittens (requested by Ryuutaka), and a Kingdom Hearts Kairi cosplayed by TechnoCookiez (requested by Nefurnest)

Both painted live on my Twitch art stream:, stop by to check out how I paint from start to finish!

Bonus Cat Rain!

Animated process .gifs for this Bloodborne inspired Hallow’s Eve painting. Also, a bonus cat rain image :D Was just messing around when a viewer suggested a wave of attacking cats. If the hunter wasn’t screwed before, he definitely is now.

Original wallpaper image and download is here:


Broadcasted live on Twitch, check out my channel for more art streams.

I made this time lapse of my KappaRoss painting for the Twitch Creative directory launch. The full broadcast is 16 hours, condensed down to 30 seconds :) :)

If you’d like to see more art streams you can follow my Twitch channel for more!

if you’d like to download the original wallpaper check out the original post.



For the Hallows Eve Art contest by theArtPosse, sponsored by

This was very much Bloodborne inspired :)

Wish I had more time to spend on it, but this was good practice in trying to get out a painting faster, plus was a lot of fun regardless.

The hunter is getting ganked pretty hard, he’s most likely screwed…. Unless those skeletons are actually messengers at the bottom, saving him from the werewolf (or the cat) ;)


Download the Wallpaper Zip file from my DeviantArt (1920x1200, 1920x1080)


Broadcasted live on Twitch, check out my channel for more art streams.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Painted in about ~19 hours w/ Photoshop CS6


Twitch Kappa as Bob Ross Kappa Ross - Happy Little Trees

Kappa as Bob Ross

Painted the Kappa emote from and Bob Ross as a Creative section tribute :)

Lots of great artists streaming on twitch, watch them here:


Download the Wallpaper off my Deviantart here:


Streamed live on:

Digitally painted w/ Adobe Photoshop CS6
~15 hours


Late to the party, but I loved Mad Max Fury road when I watched it a few months ago. I went in not having watched any trailers or any expectations and was truly in awe of the visuals and story telling with minimal dialogue.

I wanted to paint up a wallpaper in tribute to Imperator FURIOSA! It started out simple as just a portrait but I kept adding on and it kind of evolved into a much larger illustration.

Please feel free to download and share the wallpaper from my Deviantart Page. I really enjoyed this movie and painting this, and just wanted to share the joy with any and all of you that love the movie too! :) :)


Wallpaper Download (1920x1080, 1920x1200 .zip file):


Streamed live on Follow for live art streams, come by and check it out!

Digitally painted w/ Photoshop CS6
57+ hours over 5 months
