CNRS Research Engineer   

Chemical analytical techniques and field instrumentation in environmental studies

Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Continental surface /

Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers – Réunion (OSU-R / UAR 3365)


My research activities are linked to biogeochemical cycles studies of toxic chemicals and compounds with a potential impact on climate (e.g. mercury compounds, greenhouse gases, emerging organic contaminants, aerosol precursors such as volatile organic compounds, etc.). I am currently contributing to technical and research projects in numerous regions of the world, from Equator to Poles, using and processing direct field observations and chemical analysis data simultaneously. While developing and implementing new analytical methods and techniques, my current work focuses on tropical territories (particularly Indian Ocean), including the consequences of risks to which atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere reservoirs as well as continental surfaces of these territories are subject to (climate change, cyclonic and volcanic activities, anthropisation and changes in the use of natural environments).



© Picture Thibaut VERGOZ / Olivier MAGAND – IGE / CNRS pictures / Experiment dedicated to Mercury biogeochemical cycle and deployed in Observatoire de Physique de l’Atmosphère de la Réunion – OPAR / MAIDO – instrumented platform – 2018)