Your Handbook for awesome Smoothie Recipes!

Ready for some quick nutrition that will satisfy your stomach and energize your body? These simple and unique smoothie recipes can be an answer in this fast pace world. Just imagine... You can create a whole meal to energize your morning or a pick-me-up for the afternoon with this simple drink every day! Blend it. Drink it. TRANSFORM! Let this step-by-step smoothie handbook show you how.


Hi! My name is DaNae. I fell in love with smoothies when I was a manager for a smoothie franchise over 19 years ago. My eyes were opened on how to make a smoothie in a variety of ways to improve my health and others around me. I have humbly changed my mind on a few things these past few decades. At the time... I was very "crunchy" before "crunchy" was even a title. I am not dogmatic like I used to be. I have seen the benefits of being flexible in my diet. But that is what learning in life is about... growing in knowledge and experience and changing accordingly. You can check out my story of removing 88 pounds and gaining a whole new perspective on living to the fullest.

Since I started this website in 2009, I have now revamped not only my smoothie recipes, but also rewriting my articles. My goal is to share my heart and be transparent in my successes and failings.

Homepage Smoothies

The smoothies that I served to the customers in the shop many years ago had a bunch of junk ingredients while adding LOTS of sugar, plus 2 big squeezes of honey! So I started experimenting with my own Blendtec blender to make a delicious fruit smoothie or a creamy chocolate smoothie and haven’t stopped. My son was a baby then, now he is in college and still enjoys a smoothie most days.

I realized that my blender was one of the best investments to rejuvenate my health and to enjoy a delicious treat. Fats, proteins, fruit, and greens are easily incorporated into these healthy smoothies without compromising the flavor. I have been so surprised at the vast amount of ingredient options. Some add a pop of flavor and a smooth texture that gets my taste buds excited to drink over and over. Other ingredients... not so much.

Thousands of Smoothie Recipes Later...

Homepage Smoothies

I no longer work at the smoothie franchise. I own Vibrant Farm and grow vegetables and bake for a local farmers' market in the summer. I also have been home schooling my three kids... one is in college already. Crazy... I know!

My “regulars” usually peer around the corner with anticipation whenever they hear the blender running. I have to blend at least 10 cups of smoothie every time! Those "regulars" have kept my passion for smoothies burning strong for so many years later. Even during the winter months, smoothies are a key meal or mid-afternoon snack in my family's diet. Through the years, I have learned how to make all different types of smoothie recipes at home that both kids and adults will love.

Because of the awesome benefits of smoothies... this easy and simple concept should not be kept secret!

Please, let me show you how easily these life-changing smoothie recipes can be incorporated into your lifestyle. Explore new ideas... Use that blender of yours!

Open your eyes to the many possibilities to improve your health.

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Want 135 energizing smoothie recipes all bundled into a convenient handbook? Check out my ebook, Smoothie Handbook for Health.

The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This website is for sharing knowledge and information from the research and experience of DaNae. She encourages you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and discussion with your own qualified professionals.

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