Welcome to the Church of St. Andrew

Please note that we have a new YouTube channel. We will be live-streaming services directly to that channel soon, but in the meantime you can find us most Sundays at 8 a.m. on Facebook.

St. Andrew’s Centennial Year

We have been celebrating our centennial all year! We still have some special events coming up this spring & summer:

June 1: Candlelight labyrinth meditation, 7 p.m.
June 2: Rogation Sunday & recognition of labyrinth’s 30th anniversary, with guided meditation after the 10 a.m. service; labyrinth-related art project for all ages

JUNE 8, 15: 1920s dance lessons by Boston Swing Central, 10 a.m.–noon. There is no charge for these lessons, so why not get prepared for the dinner dance on June 29? Come one or both Saturdays, and stay for one hour or two! 
JUNE 16, 23: Time capsule discussions, between & after services. Help us decide what to put in a time capsule for the future! 

June 29: Roaring Twenties Dinner Dance, 6–10 p.m. Look for an invitation in the mail! 
June 30: Single 10 a.m. service; filling of time capsule

Do you recognize any of the people in this photo of the 50th-anniversary celebration?

Photo display: Have you seen our special photo display of parishioners, spanning the church’s 100 years? Be sure to come take a look, and write down names of people you recognize! 

Read Marya De Carlen’s sermon, delivered May 5.
Read Kevin Bean’s sermon, delivered November 12
Read Bishop Alan Gates’s sermon, delivered September 8.

Read more about the Century Celebration and view the schedule of dates here.


Seeking part-time youth minister for the Marblehead Youth Cooperative Ministry: We are partnering with Clifton Lutheran Church, and Old North Church (United Church of Christ) in creating a shared youth position to cultivate our Christian youth programming in Marblehead. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please have them apply directly to marbleheadyouthcoopministry@gmail.com. Note that the position has been changed from full-time to part-time. Read the full job description

Pastoral Care: If you need anything, remember that we are here for you! Get in touch with Clyde or pastoral care coordinator Deanna Karwowski, or leave a message in the church office.