This Week in the World Affairs Brief


Several high profile pundits in the conservative alternative media are hyping the prospect of Russia striking back at NATO with nuclear weapons as part of a retaliation for the US and NATO leaders authorizing Ukraine to use Western-supplied short range weapons to target military sites in Russia proper. The issue of France sending “troops” to Ukraine is also being mentioned as a reason for Russia to claim NATO is now “at war” with Russia—even though these “troops” are not on a combat mission, only performing training and technical support. Even before Putin responded with more veiled threats about “reserving the right to act similarly” all the anti-Ukraine conservative war pundits were volunteering their warning cries about this provoking Russia into WWIII. This week, I’ll once again try to set the record straight about why Russia’s nuclear threat is currently still a bluff based on Russia’s false claims of innocence and of acting out of “fear of having NATO on its border,” even though they will attack at a later time frame only when China is ready to join in that attack. To Request a one time sample of the brief, click on Request a Sample on the left.

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Daily News

Why NVIC Is No Longer Associated with Dr. Joseph Mercola


I was stunned, hurt and confused. The only verifiable information I had about what had happened were two articles published in Natural Products Insider on Feb. 1317 and Mar. 1, 202418 informing readers that the company was under new management and that Dr. Mercola was now being influenced by and taking direction from a person, who refers to himself as “the Kai” and claims to be a “psychic” channeling the voice of an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane” called Bahlon.19 20 21 Did that person tell Dr. Mercola to walk away from our partnership and his long-standing commitment to NVIC without contacting me to explain why? The media articles published in February and March detailed the fact that this self- identified psychic who Dr. Mercola is now consulting with had convinced him that he, Dr. Mercola, is “a god” and “the new Jesus.”22 The articles contained references to videos and descriptions of what had taken place at the company in early February when Dr. Mercola without warning fired top executives, including his own sister, who helped him establish and has worked at his company for 40 years. The harm that has been done to good people is shocking and heartbreaking.

SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts Rejects Democrats’ Demand for Meeting About Alito Flag Controversy


Unable to expand the court with more liberal justices, Democrats have been casting doubt on Justice Alito’s ability to remain impartial after the New York Times published two stories showing an upside-down American flag and an Appeal to Heaven flag displayed in Alito’s front yard. The Times linked the flags to Trump supporters, “Stop the Steal,” and January 6 protesters who have more recently adopted those historic symbols.

Memories Persist Among Rights Supporters on 35th Anniversary of 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

The Epoch Times

On the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, human rights supporters continued to speak up about the democratic uprising that was brutally suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on June 4, 1989. The incident led to a massive death toll among unarmed students, and for decades, the CCP has systematically censored all information related to the massacre. “People commemorate the ‘June 4 Incident’ because it symbolizes universal values such as democracy, freedom, human rights, and peaceful protest. It stands as a bloody testament to the courage and resistance of the Chinese people,” said Du Wen, the former executive director of the Legal Advisory Office of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government, now in exile in Europe. He told the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times that his generation remains nostalgic about the June 4 incident even though it is nearly impossible to find any trace of it inside China, where any discussion of it is taboo.

Biden 'Not Ruling Out' Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan


resident Biden has affirmed he is 'not ruling out' boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. While this type of response is really nothing new when it comes to American politicians being asked hypothetical questions about the future of Taiwan, it does come at a tense moment when an anti-Beijing hawk, Lai Ching-te, has just ascended as Taiwan's new president.

Mexico Elects Leftist Claudia Sheinbaum As First Female President In Landslide


Mexico has a new president, marking two historical firsts as Claudia Sheinbaum's Sunday election by a landslide will make her the first woman to enter the country's highest office, as well as the first Jewish person. Sheinbaum's ruling Morena party is also on track to hold majorities in both chambers of Congress, a possible two-thirds supermajority where reform measures can be passed with no opposition. Thus President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's left-wing party will continue its mandate, and Sheinbaum is his handpicked successor.

Alex Jones Repels Ambush Seizure Of Infowars, Sleeps In Studio As Monday Court Date Looms


Last week Jones obtained approval to sell his Texas ranch for $2.8 million, which will be placed into escrow in order to pay for legal expenses. What Went Down According to Frei, whose summary Jones says is "an accurate breakdown," Magill "was trying to frame Alex Jones" by allowing the Infowars host to personally pursue contracts for sponsorships. "What apparently happened is, this guy Magill, the CRO, was trying to frame Alex Jones - saying 'hey Alex, I'm not going to pursue signing contracts for sponsorships. But you've got some. Maybe you just wanna pocket that money - knowing damn well that if Alex says yes to this, well then they'll shut down Infowars for committing criminal fraud," said Frei. "Alex Jones is not an idiot... he knows that they tried the same schtick over and over again, and he says 'no.' And apparently he's been recording a lot of this."

Trump Campaign Raises Staggering $200 Million Since Thursday Conviction


If Democrats needed further confirmation that prosecuting Donald Trump on an obscure misdemeanor elevated to a felony just for him... (while the same DA reduced 60% of felonies to misdemeanors last year), the Trump campaign has raised over $200 million since Thursday's verdict in the former president's New York 'hush money' trial.

Did FDR Really Confiscate Everybody's Gold?

Money Metals

The order allowed people to keep up to $100 in gold coins, along with gold “as may be required for legitimate and customary use in industry, profession or art within a reasonable time,” and “rare” coins. It read, in part: “Deliver on or before May 1, 1933, to a Federal Reserve Bank or a branch or agency thereof or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates now owned by them or coming into their ownership on or before April 28, 1933.” In return, the Federal Reserve Bank would give individuals an equivalent amount in “any other form of coin or currency coined or issued under the laws of the United States” at the rate of $20.67 per ounce. Once the government got the gold at that price, it did what governments do – it changed the price-fixing to its advantage, raising the price to $35 and devaluing the paper money people received in exchange for their gold.

Numbers Behind the Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says

The Epoch Times

Despite that, “when you read the [Assessment] Reports, focusing mostly on the science, they’re actually pretty good,” Mr. Koonin said. The data presented in the ARs is a relatively sober analysis. However, it provides little support for the narrative of climate catastrophe—at least as far as what has been observed to date.

General Dynamics' New 155-Millimeter Shell Factory Opens As War Cycle Kicks Into Higher Gear


General Dynamics' new 155-millimeter artillery shell factory in Mesquite, Texas, is set to produce 30,000 shells per month, according to a New York Times report. This will provide crucial support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the first and second lines and bring the US Army closer to its 100,000 shell target goal by 2025. However, this goal remains far behind Russia's current 155mm shell production capacity of 250,000 rounds per month.

Trump Verdict Seen as ‘Pivotal Moment’ for Undecided Voters

The Epoch Times

In a statement accompanying the Quinnipiac poll, polling analyst Tim Malloy characterized Kennedy voters as “particularly swayable,” with 52 percent reporting they were likely to change their minds. President Trump’s supporters were “less-inclined to bail on their candidate,” Mr. Malloy said, with only 8 percent somewhat likely to defect. Almost double that number said they could drop their support of President Biden.

Turley: There Are Many ‘Reversible Errors’ in Trump’s New York Trial


“There was a huge disadvantage in this system of having the defense go first. For most of us who don’t practice here, it’s almost unthinkable because it means the defense can’t respond to some of these really sweeping statements, in my view, improper statements being made by the prosecutors. They also have an advantage by going long today. They may try to run this towards 8:00, which means if the drop dead time is 7:00. The last thing this jury will hear before instructions will be an hour of their closing argument. That is ideal for the prosecutors.”

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it

Peter Andrews

They were also scathing about the reliability of the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, the most commonly used check for Covid. The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

Judge In Trump Case Issues Unbelievable Jury Instructions


"This is absolute insanity," posted Missouri Attorney General Andrew Baily, in response to another Turley observation - namely that the jury will not be given copies of their instructions, but can ask for them to be read again. This is insanity. I’ve tried many jury trials in my day. You give jurors paper instructions every time. How are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements necessary for each of the 34 felony counts? This is an illicit, witch-hunt prosecution

COVID-19 Vaccine Litigation Against Mayo Clinic Revived by Federal Court

The Epoch Times

Judge Tunheim said at one point in his ruling that because many Christians who oppose abortion still receive vaccines, opposition to vaccination based on pro-life beliefs is not linked to religion. However, that view is not correct, Judge Benton said, pointing to a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling that found that constitutional protection of religious beliefs is “not limited to beliefs which are shared by all of the members of a religious sect.”

Gaza Pier Operations Suspended Indefinitely After It Breaks Apart By Heavy Seas


This is a $350 million project which has already long been beset by controversy. Critics have pointed out the grim irony and contradictions which abound in that the Biden administration has very publicly criticized the way that Israel's military is waging war in Gaza (and especially the high civilian death toll) while simultaneously Washington is funding the same war effort, ultimately to the tune of billions. " The pier took two months and $320m to build, lasted 12 days, and delivered less than 60 trucks' worth of food (most of which was stolen after it reached Gaza) before it broke and had to be towed away for repairs."

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