William Garfit - artist, illustrator and author


Exhibition of Oil Paintings at Rountree Tryon Galleries

14 to 25 May 2024

In London and then in Petworth

“It is the life and spirit of each particular flower that interests me. The feeling that each flower inspires as we cherish and behold it’s individual character and beauty. So for me they are my selected favourite, FLOWERS OF JOY.” William Garfit

In 2020 during Covid Lockdown, although Will could not travel, this was the opportunity to paint a new subject, his favourite flowers, as had been his ambition for fifty years.

The challenge of painting wild flowers could be achieved in his studio, going no further than the garden and his wildlife reserve.

First the wild cherry, then primroses caught his eye and as spring evolved into summer, there was an ever exciting sequence of special and beautiful subjects crying out to be painted. These were arranged in his studio in bottles or jars or planted temporarily in a pot.

He was keen to exhibit the paintings as a collection and is delighted to do so in this extensive exhibition.

Flowers of Joy Exhibition, London & Petworth


In his oil paintings, Will specialises in paintings of rivers, lakes, lochs and sea. He always paints on the location of his subjects whether the chalk streams of the south or salmon rivers of the north. His oils are vibrant and fresh and full of his presence of being in the landscape and the subtleties of its mood and light. He also loves the north Norfolk coastal landscape. He captures the moods of the marsh with the background of wide horizons of the sea and sky.


See flower section on prints page for the selection of 18 flower prints made from the oil paintings now on show. There are sepias from over thirty country sporting books which Will has illustrated. With great skill as a draughtsman combined with his delicate and spontaneous watercolour technique he creates charming vignettes of birds and animals of the countryside and its sports of shooting, fishing and hunting. Also there is a selection of full colour prints from his oils of rivers, from wild water of Scottish spate rivers to the calm of lakes and southern chalk stream meadows.