UK 2019 General Election

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Who Should You Vote For? is the original, easiest to use UK general election quiz, helping you to decide who to vote for and which party matches your views most closely. Since 2005 Who Should You Vote For? has been used more than four million times!

This is our post-manifesto 2019 election version (England only so far). For information about this quiz, the questions and the party policies, see our FAQ page.

The UK should leave the EU without a deal (Hard Brexit)
The UK should leave the EU under the terms of Boris Johnson's Deal
Article 50 should be revoked and the UK should remain in the EU
A second referendum should be held to choose between a new deal to leave the EU and remaining in the EU
Income taxes should be increased for people earning over £80,000 a year to pay for public services
The basic rate of income tax should be increased for all tax-payers by 1p to pay for public services
The Married Person's Tax Allowance (which is worth up to £250 per couple) should be continued
The threshold for National Insurance contributions should be raised from £8,632 to £9,500 per year
Corporation tax rates should remain at 19%, and not increase, to support business
The High Speed 2 (HS2) railway should be built at a cost of £80 billion
The rail network in the UK should be returned to public ownership (renationalised)
Utility companies in the UK should remain in private ownership
The tax-free amount of an inheritance should be up to £150,000 higher for someone who leaves their home to a child or grandchild
Cannabis should be legalised
There should be significantly more police officers in the UK
The UK should become net carbon neutral by 2030 by spending £100 billion a year for the next ten years and banning petrol/diesel cars
Taxes should be imposed on meat and dairy products to promote a plant-based diet
The Government should pay for free fibreoptic broadband for every household in the country
The voting age in the UK should remain at 18
The first-past-the-post voting system in the UK should be replaced with proportional representation
The UK should continue to spend at least 0.7% of UK Gross National Income on overseas development assistance
Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) currently used in schools should be abolished
Boris Johnson has the skills and experience needed to be an effective Prime Minister
Jeremy Corbyn has the skills and experience needed to be an effective Prime Minister
Jo Swinson has the skills and experience needed to be an effective Prime Minister
Nigel Farage has the skills and experience needed to be an effective Prime Minister
Caroline Lucas (although not her party's leader) has the skills and experience needed to be an effective Prime Minister

About you (optional)

Which result do you actually expect to get in this quiz?