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Give Sanity a Longer Leash, Some of Us Have Sharper Teeth.


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    Notes: 1,735 notes

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    [Tweet here!]
    [26 is answered in this post <3]

    • 17. What is your best piece of advice for writing hurt/comfort scenes?

    my number one: know why you’re writing the scene, and who you’re writing for. Then do it on purpose.

    hurt/comfort is tricky. ultimately it comes down to, of course, two key elements: the hurt (catharsis) and the comfort (healing). that’s the point of it – for the reader to experience (via blorbo) a release of negative emotion followed by a smack to the love-comfort-safety button inside their brain. nothing wrong with that! that’s great! catharsis rules! there’s a reason the greeks wrote tragedies, and it’s not just to Be Sad!! [for real, read bryan doerries’ theater of war, it fucking slaps.]

    the trouble comes when that’s all it is.

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    Fucking wisdom

    Notes: 20 notes

    Reblogged from: wrizard

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    I’m done with modesty and low self-esteem. If Elon Musk is allowed the dystopic levels of cognitive dissonance necessary to believe in himself as a businessman, I’m allowed to think my gay little books about witches and werewolves having a hard time are hot shit.

    Like, for YEARS I followed that nanowrimo doctrine of never editing before finishing a draft ‘cause common wisdom states your inner-editor is a massive meanie, and the only way to finish a book is to push that editor off a cliff, but I have a clearance sale super power that allows me to forget instantly everything I’ve written, plus my current mood colours my perception of things. Which means if I’m in a bad mood, I believe it’s because everything I wrote previously is irredeemable, steaming garbage, and I don’t remember what I wrote so I have no objective evidence to the contrary.

    Until I reread it and I’m like 'heeheee, i made funny joke’ and also 'ohhh i really want these buttheads to kiss and i’m the god of this world so they’re gonna.’ I’m tired of it being taboo to like your own work. Boast. Love yourself an insufferable amount. Suck your own dick. It’s all free and there’s a cost of living crisis.

    Wisdom of the Ages.

    Notes: 3,335 notes

    Reblogged from: wrizard

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    couple of rough sketches for potential print things

    Notes: 241 notes

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    It’s been nearly 11 months and I still find that ‘[insert a picture of a pale, disgusting and unseasoned looking thing] “The Gentleman pirate I presume”’ joke too funny for my own good. Please keep making them, guys.

    A joke that will never get old.

    Notes: 3,714 notes

    Reblogged from: dearpirates

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    Never break the chain

    Notes: 98 notes

    Reblogged from: scary-flag

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    Originally posted by tea-and-liminality

    In case you were wondering why Ed hates nature, bugs and snakes, here’s my lil HC heavy pre-canon fic about it. Feat young Ed, Izzy and Calico Jack.

    loving this fic so much! Stupid fucking nature! You’d think they’d know the rule: Never Get off The Boat…

    Notes: 15 notes

    Reblogged from: quiet--menace

  8. Text post

    Anonymous asked:

    for the writing prompt: literally anything about anne max and jack settling together in that sweaty, loving, texturised way only you can write


    okay so first off: thank you for this prompt. i’ve actually been rotating this ask around in my mind for a couple days while watching black sails and thinking about anne and jack and max and the points at which they meet…. and this prompt has actually given me the perfect opportunity to push my ‘jack is a girl’ agenda on the world/on my long-suffering followers. so thank you for encouraging transgenderism. here’s anne and max conspiring to crack jack’s egg: it ran overlong, and i’m actually considering extending it at some point when i have more time!!

    1000 words, vaguely nsfw


    “This is new,” Max murmurs, as she presses Anne back against the bedpost; fingering at the lapel of her coat. It’s a heavy black thing, overlarge and stinking slightly of tobacco and sweat, trimmed in gilt and fastened with mother of pearl. Not suited for Nassau’s heat, nor Anne’s usual style of dress, but perfect for her perpetual shell of clothing.

    Seeing her without it is strange. The scabbard, the coat, the hat. Stripped down to the thin shirt she wears beneath, she’s pale and slight. Her nipples make peaks against the light cloth; the insides of her forearms are smooth and startlingly white. It’s like seeing a turtle without its shell. 

    “’S Jack’s,” she grunts, head tipped back against the bedpost as she watches Max make short work of the laces of her breeches. But Max pauses — the reveal is intriguing. 

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    Jack “Fuckwit” Rackham’s milkshake brings all the gender feels to the yard.

    Notes: 34 notes

    Reblogged from: getmean

  9. Photo post

“fallow land & bigger sky // 4832 words // mature
Spring is as much of a dying season than it is a living one. Ed had died in the spring.
chapter one // full work
img 1
img 2
This fic has got me by the short and curly feels.


    fallow land & bigger sky // 4832 words // mature

    Spring is as much of a dying season than it is a living one. Ed had died in the spring.

    chapter one // full work

    img 1
    img 2

    This fic has got me by the short and curly feels.

    Notes: 41 notes

    Reblogged from: getmean

  10. Text post



    I feel like a very under-appreciated line in OFMD is “This is who I am, Stede. You were always going to realize who I am.”

    It’s said in response to Stede saying that he doesn’t like who Ed is around Calico Jack, but I think it can apply to a lot more. Ed has a lot of wildly different personas—Blackbeard, the Kraken, Jeff, the frat bro friend, the beardless Ed laundry-folder, the talent show planner who doesn’t want to be a pirate. I think it’s tempting to think of many of these as totally fake, not representative of the “real” Ed. I think it’s also tempting to think that *Ed* thinks that of himself, that he believes that he is made to act in certain ways by Izzy or Jack or whoever.

    But even though Ed will conceal parts of himself—making up the Kraken story, or claiming “the fire killed those people”—I think that Ed doesn’t really see most of these personas as fake. When he says the aforementioned line, he feels like he’s speaking from a place of honesty. I think the same is true when he admits that he’s the Kraken, or asserts that he’s still Blackbeard, or says he just wants to be Edward.

    Things can be performative without being false. It always feels jarring to me to see fanfics that confidently assert that some persona of Ed’s is totally fake, and even worse, that Ed himself thinks that they’re fake. I can see Ed making excuses to others, and perhaps even to himself at times. But I think if he’s being honest and open, Ed believes that they’re all real, and that no one else made him do any of it.

    I agree with all of this but just wanted to add that the line (which I found pretty personally affecting) is “This is who I am, Stede. You were always going to realize what I am.”

    What I am seems strikingly fatalistic to me and gives a great little insight into Ed’s self perception. That line gives me this feeling that Ed really is scared of Stede seeing too much of his soul and being found wanting.

    The line also feels like an echo of “we’re just not those kind of people”. Ed’s getting perilously close to having to just tell Stede how he feels and I’m convinced he thinks that after Stede has seen this very real aspect of himself (and the ‘friends’ that come with it), he’s ruined his chances forever, confirmed again that he’s not those kind of people and there’s nothing for it but to leave.

    The idea that Ed’s sense of self worth (in part - he clearly, correctly, appreciates that he’s a capable, clever and successful man) is so fragile is really affecting for me. One bad day, one suggestion from Stede that he, unsurprisingly, didn’t like it when Ed was frat bro-ing it up with Jack, and Ed really seems to believe he’s blown things with Stede for good. Leaving feels like self preservation: better to go of his own accord, on his own terms, than hear Stede say what he ‘really’ thinks about him (but obviously what Stede really thinks bears no resemblance to Ed’s negative self image, because he clearly thinks highly of Ed and is madly in love with him, guys I am begging you to have a conversation).

    Yeah, I agree that Ed contains multitudes, sure he performs, but what makes him a genius is that all the performances are real. He is actually all those things at once. That’s what makes him so compelling. Capable of great kindness and great cruelty. Sometimes soft and sometimes hard. Leather and velvet. He doesn’t need to pick a persona, or figure out who he really is, he needs someone who loves every version of Ed, all the Eds in their Infinite Variety.

    Think you are up to the job, Stede?

    Notes: 106 notes

    Reblogged from: elapsed-spiral

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