Monday, August 04, 2003

NYTimes.  Contextual ads fall short on most news stories.  This article is illustrative of the failure of generic news to provide the contextual content (keywords) necessary for effective targetted advertising (which is all the rage right now).  Stories about serial killers, weather, terrorists, war, politics, etc aren't appropriate for performance based ads.  What is needed is content that helps people make purchasing decisions.  That can only be done by focused content, the type of content we are talking about at the Weblog Network.  BTW, there are solutions for traditional news organizations, but it doesn't involve targetted, performance-based ads.
8:56:21 AM    
 Sunday, July 20, 2003

Will quickly move forward this week with some additions to Mindplex.  Stay tuned.
3:24:09 PM    
 Friday, July 18, 2003

Welcome to The Weblog Network!  This will be the future home for general news about site.  Subscribe via RSS to keep up to date.
12:58:43 PM