Start Your Personal Journey with Personal Growth

Personal Growth

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
HiiT Squad Information & Booking

The HIIT Series is going to replace HIIT Squad, its going to be a series of HIIT workouts in different formats. These formats will be focused on, AMRAPS, EMOMs, Intense and next to no recovery. These will run for 6 weeks, running 12 different sessions over this time, the same session will run from Monday – Wednesday, then the Wednesday PM class will show a new session for the rest of the week. Showing variety at the different points.

Booking – Personal Growth & Empowerment (

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Hot Yoga Information & Booking

Hot Yoga –

Hot yoga is a yoga session covering the various teachings of yoga, delivered in 35 degree heat inside a hot pod. The pod will create ambience and enable you to leave the outside world at its door, take comfort in the heat and relax your mind. Flow with Daniella through various movements, all while stretching out various muscle groups. The heat will allow for those stretches to get deeper, meaning an increase in your flexibility and mobility. Yoga can compliment so many different training styles, it can improve lifting technique and support the aches you may have as a runner, it’s great for people heavily involved in sport for injury prevention.

Book Blazing Balance Hot Yoga

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Neon Knockout

Boxing – Knockout fitness –

UV – Lighting creates an ambience 

Our general boxing fitness class, which will teach you the basics shots to boxing, improve your core strength and make you lighter on your feet. This boxing class is the perfect way of having fun and improving general fitness, a brilliant addition to anyone’s training programme. Improving your upper body strength, boxing focuses on shoulders, back, arms and your core.

Neon Knockout – Boxing Fitness

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Learn 2 Lift - Information & Booking

Learn 2 lift –

Learn 2 lift, inspire your strength and gain confidence to perform these lifts in gyms or during our HIIT classes. Focusing on variations of the following lifts, we will make sure you get the technique needed to perform these safely and support your training goals, the lifts are deadlifting, squatting, bench press and overhead press. These 4 lifts will give you the base strength to progress into further lifts, all while progressing your overall strength. Each lift will cover different techniques and variations, for example in deadlifting, we can explore the RDL technique, use different equipment, such as barbells, kettlebells, power bags and boxes, single arm pressing for improved upper body strength, the list goes on. Learning 2 lift, will support a weight loss journey more effectively than only going on a treadmill or cycling, hammering cardio, lifting is a vital piece of a jigsaw when it comes to losing weight.

Learn 2 Lift

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Tri Box Challenge Information & Booking

TRI BOX – Challenge

The TRI Box Challenge is a class designated to improving every area of your fitness, delving deep into the techniques of boxing, looking at the mechanics of each shot, while getting the usual fitness benefits of boxing. The TRI Boxing will incorporate running work into the session, boxing conditioning for the core and upper body, with of course punching blowouts as part of the fitness aspect to the class. This class will run for between 60-75 minutes dependant on each part and it will follow a specific format, focusing on different areas of each fitness. One week maybe uppercuts and short distance running, while the next week could be 3 punch combination work with a 5k (longest run we do) in the middle of it.

Tri Box Challenge

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Barbell Club

Barbell Club –

A way to challenge yourself at new lifts and more gruelling workouts, combining the learn 2 lift and HIIT classes, adding harder lifts to your workouts, lifts such as power cleans, snatches, thrusters and cleans. These will make for intense workouts, getting the best out of your body while pushing it to a limit. This will follow a similar programme to the learn 2 lift, running an 8-week block.

Barbell Club – Book Now

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Running Club Information & Booking

Welcome to the Personal Growth Running Club, where fitness meets holistic well-being. Our club is dedicated to helping you achieve your running goals while fostering personal growth and empowerment. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve, we provide a supportive community and expert guidance to enhance your physical and mental health.

Running Club Book Now

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Personal Training Information & Booking

Personal Training

Embarking on a personal training journey often begins with a transformative first session, where personal support and expert guidance pave the way for success. At our centre, we ensure an exceptional experience by conducting comprehensive assessments that include weight data, measurements, strength tests, endurance exercises, and cardio evaluations. We also offer tailored nutrition advice, personal wellbeing strategies, and mental health support to foster holistic growth. Whether you opt for a single booking to discuss your goals and undergo assessments, or choose to book a group session, our dedicated trainers are here to support you every step of the way.

Personal Training Booking

Do you have a health question, need help and guidance, ask below?

13 + 7 =

What is Cholesterol and What Does it Do to Your Body?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in your blood. While your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries. These deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.


 Health Risks of High Cholesterol:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure

Download and Share our Handbook on reducing Cholesterol

Educational Health

Cholesterol Reduction

Community Projects

0114 470 1484

Our primary aim is to positively impact individuals’ lives.

Support available when it comes to your fitness and mental wellbeing, so you can face lifes challenges head on.

Our objectives include:

Comprehensive Support: We strive to offer holistic assistance, encompassing emotional, practical, and educational support, ensuring that individuals receive the help they need.

Innovative Solutions: We aim to pioneer innovative methods of support by harnessing data to inform best practices. This involves gathering data and utilising it to develop effective solutions that can potentially save lives.

Advocacy and Awareness: We’re committed to raising awareness about mental health issues, advocating for improved understanding and reducing stigma within society.

Collaboration: We seek partnerships with professionals, organisations, and the community to create a network of support that maximises our impact.

Ultimately, our overarching aim is to make a difference, one life at a time, by continuously expanding our services and knowledge to reach those in need.

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Get a Grip - Save a Hip Over 55's
“Get a Grip, Protect a Hip” is an innovative project designed to support the over-55s in the Southeast area of Sheffield, particularly those affected by the social isolation stemming from the Cost-of-Living Crisis. Our aim is to provide physical, emotional, and mental support through a series of engaging activities, fostering a community of help and support. 

Book a Class

HiiT Squad - Sheffield Fitness
Stride & Thrive SEN Sport Activities

Stride and Thrive is an innovative and inclusive program designed for young individuals with special educational needs and disabilities. Our mission is to empower these youths through a series of engaging and tailored activities that focus on sports, teamwork, and personal development.


  • To build confidence and resilience in participants.
  • To foster independence while emphasizing the importance of group collaboration.
  • To provide access to various sports, catering to different interests and abilities.
  • To support parents and families of the participants.
  • To help each child realize and embrace their unique worth.

Activities: The program includes a diverse range of sports such as rugby, basketball, dodgeball, and boxing, alongside activities like yoga. These are designed not only for physical development but also to enhance social skills, teamwork, and emotional well-being.

Book a Class

Wesleyan - South Yorkshire Community Foundation
Therapies – Mental Wellbeing
5 – 12 Year Olds