Birth by Angela4 on

Her face contorted.

Her husband encouraged, “Breathe! The doctor, “Push!”

She howled. Blood sprayed the doctor.

A nurse shrieked, “It’s coming out hands first … not hands… what are those?!”

Her husband fainted.

She felt calm. She hadn’t dreamed it, that night when that skinless horde tore their way inside her.

Blood pooled beneath her as their spawn tore its way out.

She reached between her legs, grabbing skinless claws, and yanked.

It snarled, snapping at her face.

“My child,” she cooed.

She bit through her baby’s throat, bleeding out with the coppery closure, sweet as nectar, on her tongue.

Cracked by bmiles on

You gunned it through the crosswalk.
Sixteen hours on a ventilator so she could be spare parts for other parents’ kids.
Doubt you registered the impact; tracks didn’t swerve or slow down.
Outside your house, eyeing the gun that took her place in the car beside me, I imagine how long I’ll take.
They say there’s only two stories, one about love and one about revenge. I only read the Good Book and don’t worry I’ll see you in hell when I’m done.
What I’m going to do to you is biblical, and that makes me God.

Nyarlathotep by CRODEART on

Biology class was so dull until we finally persuaded lanky old Mr. Turner to open his secret cupboard.
“Watch the spines, they sting,” he said.
Mr. Turner was nothing if not acutely aware of academic differentiation.
Lowest achievers each got a tentacle.
Gifted and talented, the vital organs.
Sandra Fey and Dean Allen took a pair of scissors to the brain, which I personally thought was a missed opportunity.
Lucy D poked and prodded the cadaver’s purple antennae.
When, inevitably, Jake Plumb pricked his finger on one of its spines, I was given the task of tracking his transformation.

Blood, Blood, Blood… by remains on

You drag me into an argument that doesn’t even exist.

Fists start flying. Two on six.

You pop Frat Boy’s nose. He’s down.

Wide Shoulders charges. I trip him, teeth meeting table. He’s down.

Big Chuck throwing knives, inches from your nose.

You bing him with a glass mug. He’s down.

Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum vamoose.

Only this behemoth left. Mohawk. Arms like pythons.

Grabs a bottle. SMASH! Jagged edges, slashing.

“Down boy!”

He jabs. I pop his elbow. The bottle jams his neck, fountaining blood. He’s down, down.

“Whatda we do now?” you ask.

“I was never here.”

BRUTE BOSS | Pork Chop by RPstaff on

War brought hunger. Brannon abandoned the battlefield, walking north through wilderness, eating roots, mushrooms, his boots.

A clearing. Brannon saw smoke, smelled pork.

A cottage. He knocked. A grandfather answered. “Skin and bones you are.”

“Had none to eat.”

“Come. Sit. I’ve plenty, raising hogs for soldiers.”

“How’d you feed hogs during famine?”

Smiling, he brought sizzling chops to the table. “The lord provides.”

Brannon gorged. His belly ached. He farted. “Too much too quickly.”

Grandfather pointed. “Outhouse’s out back.”

Brannon strained over the stinking hole. Grunts echoed below. Tusks rose between Brannon’s legs.

Grandfather heard screams. “The lord provides.”

Battle Hamster Goes South by ursulav on

The hamster leaped from his cage and sank his teeth into Harold’s neck. Harold screamed, and tried to pull Fluffy away.

“Damn you, Fluffy!” Harold screamed. “I’ll teach you to bite me, you fuzzy bastard!”

He ran to his gun locker and pulled out a shotgun.

Fluffy’s eyes widened.

“Hey, wait man,” he muttered through a mouthful of neck. “Let’s talk about this!”

“I’ll see you in hell!” Harold replied.

He pointed the gun at Fluffy and fired.

Fluffy jumped out of the way. Harold shot himself in the face.

The hamster packed his suitcase and left.

You try to see no Evil… by Abz-J-Harding on

Emma gripped her cardboard sign. Her stomach groaned. She needed a new begging spot.

She found the perfect place—a concrete median at a busy stoplight. A cross and wreath rested there; Emma kicked them into the road and took their place.

Cars passed, all day, while she begged—alone, sixteen, and pregnant.

The sun sank. A shadow stretched across the asphalt. Emma gasped. The earth surged and split. Hot air rose from the chasm. Emma screamed. Terrible hands dragged her into the pit.

The ground closed. The Caretaker returned, with a cross and wreath to mark her grave.

Imperceptible recitation by Blossom-Lullabies on

Anise, black peppercorns, cinnamon, dill.

Beth whispered as her dirty fingers nudged the bottles wedged in the narrow cabinet.

Extract of … something.

Tears salted her lips.

Allspice, basil, coriander, fennel, foxglove, garlic, hellebore.

“Elizabeth, bring me those spices!” Her stepmother’s voice stabbed at her from the kitchen above. Beth bit her lip, glancing at her brothers confined to the dank cellar. “This stew won’t season itself!”

Arsenic, bay leaves, cardamom, cloves, ginger, hemlock, mustard, oleander, thyme, turmeric.

“Now, you useless stupid girl!”

Cyanide, strychnine.

Beth clutched six vials at random and trudged up the steps. Now sounded about right.

Monster Breakfast by The Despot

“Don’t play with your food, honey,” Lrglphmp gurgled.

“But it’s more fun when I gotta catch’em.” Hrglphx gave the scrabbling bipeds a poke. They scattered, clambering up the walls of his bowl.

“Hm, a bit underdone.” Lrglphmp leaned over and delivered a glob of corrosive mucus to her son’s meal. “Better let them ferment.”

“Boooorrring,” Hrglphx groaned as his playthings grew lethargic. “They’re better raw.”

Lrglphmp thrust a tentacle behind the salt shaker, snatching an escaped morsel. It screamed as she tossed it into her gaping maw. “You’re right, humans do taste better raw.”

office worker by ded-kat on


Oliver Smertz finished sharpening his pencil, then turned casually. Five temps in monogrammed Polos blocked the door. Wendell from H.R. stepped forward, pointing. “That’s my pencil!”

Oliver sighed. “Your point?”

Sneering, Wendell flicked the tip off Oliver’s pencil. “My point.”

Oliver turned away, placing his pencil back in the sharpener. Grinding and woody incense followed.

Grabbing Oliver’s collar, Wendell snarled, “Defying me is pointless!”

Oliver spun, shoving the No. 2 up Wendell’s nostril. Wendell screamed. Blood spurted as the graphite penetrated deeper. Temps scattered. Wendell collapsed, shuddering on the linoleum.

Oliver plucked a pencil from Wendell’s pocket protector. “Point taken.”