Subtleties of the Second Deal

Putting the Magic Back

Subtleties of the Second Deal

Welcomed to Subtleties of the second Deal.

OK, so what is this site about. Well the name gives it away a bit.

  I’ve been fascinated by this sleight for almost 50 years now. I’ve read numerous books,  Articles, lecture notes, along with watching a whole host of training videos, DVDs etc.

The intention is NOT to provide you with a breakdown of the mechanics of the second deal, although I will cover the basics, as there is lots of great stuff already out there. Don’t Worry I’ll point you in the right direction for some of these.

The purpose of this site, is to cover more of the Subtleties, covering areas such as:- Timing, angles, when to use it, when not to use it, type of cards, card condition, room temperature, tackiness of hands, movement, confidence, some effects, demo’s etc.

I have set up the site to be a accessible to registered members only. Call be old school, but I believe there is too much information readily available on the internet. As a result, I wanted to restrict this information to people with a genuine interest in the art.