
Filesonic is ranked 6,326 in the United Kingdom. 'FileSonic, fast and easy file storage.'

6,326Rank in United Kingdom

2,246Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed6,243,237
Monthly visits 1,482,128
Value per visitor£0.08
Estimated worth£498,966.88
External links84,032
Number of pages436,500

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries14.50%13.70%
Indonesia 1,528 4.10%4.40%
Bangladesh 1,825 1.10%1.30%
Egypt 2,350 1.20%1.10%
Saudi Arabia 2,486 1.50%1.30%
Taiwan 2,553 1.50%1.30%
Thailand 2,730 2.10%2.20%
Mexico 2,793 3.20%3.00%
Argentina 3,134 1.30%1.20%
Peru 3,215 0.60%0.60%
Malaysia 3,231 1.20%1.10%
Brazil 3,411 4.60%4.60%
Venezuela 3,556 0.60%0.60%
Pakistan 3,627 1.90%1.80%
Romania 3,827 0.90%0.70%
Turkey 3,935 1.80%1.70%
Algeria 3,948 0.60%0.40%
France 3,993 4.50%4.60%
Japan 4,108 7.70%9.00%
Italy 4,166 2.20%2.20%
Greece 4,171 0.80%0.80%
Portugal 4,194 0.70%0.70%
Colombia 4,354 0.70%0.50%
Poland 4,463 1.90%2.10%
Spain 4,528 2.70%2.50%
Nigeria 4,738 0.60%0.50%
Czech Republic 5,068 0.50%0.80%
Germany 5,130 4.80%4.80%
Philippines 5,254 0.80%0.80%
Canada 5,326 1.90%2.00%
Vietnam 5,358 0.50%0.50%
South Africa 5,387 0.80%0.80%
Belgium 6,037 0.60%0.70%
Austria 6,362 0.50%0.70%
United Kingdom 6,326 2.80%2.50%
India 7,207 8.70%8.70%
Australia 8,837 0.90%0.80%
Netherlands 9,484 0.80%0.80%
United States 9,878 8.90%8.60%
Russia 13,855 1.90%1.80%
China 32,795 1.40%1.80%

Visitors come from the countries, Thailand, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bangladesh & Indonesia.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Milton Keynes12830.20%0.10%1.00
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank1,887996
Daily Visitors195,810 -49.42%
Daily Visitors Rank1,350717
Daily Pageviews196,252 -51.25%
Daily Pageviews Rank5,0132,542
Pageviews Per User1.42 -3.40%

Age: The domain is 13 years and 3 months old.

On average 1.42 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 214,110 daily visitors.

Server Location
Earnwell Hong Kong Ltd.
Hong Kong
22.352616, 114.205627

Its web server is located at Earnwell Hong Kong Ltd.. Its IP Number is There are 4 DNS records, such as,, and


PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 139 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 139 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 139 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 139.095/139.165/139.241/0.059 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 139.095/139.165/139.241/0.059 ms

A time of 139 ms is recorded in a ping test, also its average full page load time is 1260 milliseconds. This is slower than 58% of measured websites.