
Standardandpoor is ranked 60,866 in the United Kingdom. 'A New Scorecard for the Active Versus Passive Debate.'

60,866Rank in United Kingdom

57,979Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed820,260
Monthly visits 292,950
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth£98,924.09
External links19,578
Number of pages105

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries20.50%21.30%
United States 18,991 46.10%42.60%
Vietnam 23,914 0.90%1.50%
Japan 28,156 10.40%11.30%
Canada 29,782 4.30%3.00%
Italy 50,603 1.50%2.00%
Spain 56,907 1.50%6.30%
United Kingdom 60,866 3.20%3.10%
France 64,861 2.70%2.90%
India 78,042 7.70%4.50%
Germany 174,377 1.40%1.50%

Visitors come from the countries, Spain, Italy, Canada, Japan, Vietnam & United States.

CityCity RankUsersPageviewsPageviews per user
Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank48,72217,105
Daily Visitors6,784 -32.50%
Daily Visitors Rank50,38916,035
Daily Pageviews17,255 -44.37%
Daily Pageviews Rank60,23426,024
Pageviews Per User3.60 -17.58%

Category: '対企業投資/格付'

Age: The domain is 20 years and 6 months old.

On average 3.60 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 7,418 daily visitors.
