“Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”

Have you guys ever heard ‘bout this phrase…it’s actually a very popular quotation taken from one of Shakespeare’s play (Twelfth Night).

If you’re a film maniac then I’m sure you must’ve heard this quotation mentioned a lot in many films…I myself have already heard it in at least 3 films I saw although I don’t consider myself as a film maniac.

I’m not sure about you guys, but if you ask me I would say that this phrase has a great power laying deep inside of each words ready to be spilled out to whoever reads it…the power which is capable in bringing a huge change in how someone thinks about him/herself. Try it for yourself…..1…2…3…GO!!!

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”

Well??? Did anything happen???….

What I got when I heard this phrase was a whole new perspective/point of view on what I’ve thought about people around me….I used to think that great people are all born great, born with various gifts given from God waiting to be used to bring advantages for everyone around them.

Well, after I heard this phrase I realize that yes, it is true that there are people who are born great….but besides that there are also ordinary people who achieve greatness after a great effort as well and become great people just like those who were born great. Not just that, there are also people who becomes great by having greatness thrust upon them….That’s why there is no need to feel ashamed of ourselves coz we are definitely great, if it’s not for some people, then we must be great for others.

Therefore, it is clear that each and everyone of us are great people…no matter where and when we earn that greatness….born great, achieve greatness, or having greatness thrust open us. In my opinion, being a great person doesn’t mean he/she has to be known by the whole world,….being a great person means being somebody who can bring great/useful things for him/herself and for his/her environment.

Those mentioned above is just in my point of view, so you can agree or disagree with my opinion. Those who would like to give their own point of view about this popular phrase is welcome to write it down below….(-nm-)

  1. Thanks for the post

  2. What movies quoted this?

      • lklcbemfarmasiugm
      • December 5th, 2009

      hehe…since i wrote this article soo long ago, i just remember 1 movie… “She’s the Man”

      • Jess
      • December 17th, 2009

      She’s The Man and Night At The Museum

        • lklcbemfarmasiugm
        • December 21st, 2009

        ha…..you’re right!!! (I totally forgot)
        thanks for reminding!

  3. Hello, it really interesting, thanks

      • lklcbemfarmasiugm
      • December 25th, 2009

      welcome… =)

  4. Dear Author lklcbemfarmasiugm.wordpress.com !
    Clearly, thanks for the help in this question.

      • lklcbemfarmasiugm
      • December 25th, 2009

      you’re welcome… =)

  5. Dear Author lklcbemfarmasiugm.wordpress.com !
    Completely I share your opinion. In it something is and it is good idea. I support you.

      • lklcbemfarmasiugm
      • December 25th, 2009

      thanks a lot!!!
      It’s nice to be able to share with others…

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