
26 thoughts on “Wallpaper

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  1. wah sugoi, nightmarest senpai !

    Request dong !

    Wallpaper Hagiwara Mai (c-ute), Risako Sugaya, YUI sama Yuri (SNSD.

    Makasih sebelumnya.

    Sori mintanya kebanyakan.


  2. Woiii numpang sedot …. gambarnya yach …
    Btw, kemana aja nih … YM nya jarang aktif, apa ganti account ???

  3. I’m from Mexico and love H!Project, specialy Shimizu Saki-San, she is so lovely!!
    It´s hard to me found something about she… that’s sad 😦 , but I enjoy your page, it awesome.
    Thank you for the beutiful pictures!
    Gambare~ lalala ;D

  4. wow.. from mexico 😀
    welcome welcome.. i hope this blog can help you find about shimizu saki..

  5. Yeah… it’s weird xD?
    in latin america they have a lot of fans!!
    many of they traveled to E.U.A. for see them in the Anime expo, do you see they in the airport of L.A.?
    we rocks~ xD
    I hope they come back one day to america

    keren smua wallpapernya…
    ijin sedoot ahhh…
    request anak2 momusu donk..!!

    arigatou gozaimasu..

  7. g jg ikutan ambil wp2 nya yak 😀
    bagus2 uy. two thumbs up dah 😀
    …ato mo tambah dua jempol lg? nyahaha 😀

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