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imageFish are usually just substitute pets for kids whose parents won’t allow them a dog, or for the sneezey eye-itchers who are allergic to cats, or for lazy people who don’t really want a furry friend. But all that is about to change. Now, fish are cool.

GloFish are zebrafish that have been genetically modified – it’s completely safe – with a fluorescent protein gene. Just like a kid in a candy store, you can pick your favorite “flavor” which includes Starfire Red®, Electric Green®, Sunburst Orange®, Cosmic Blue™ and Galactic Purple™.

During the day, they look bold and bright. But flick the switch off and add an ultraviolet light and these tropical minnows turn into a mesmerizing Cirque du Soleil-like show.

Read more about GloFish at WIRED.

|  August 28th, 2011
  1. wiredinsider posted this
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