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The Future of US Soccer

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Wake up America! It’s not too late to get serious about the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, nor is it too soon to get way serious about the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Our strategy? We’ll harness the power of entrepreneurialism to develop an unstoppable army of US soccer cyborgs.

Former Stanford and MLS player Scott Leber spent years as an individual and team trainer. He saw a need for young players to take ownership and responsibility for their own development, so he founded iSoccer in order to provide the tools and motivation for them to do so. You hear that kids? We now have a collection of over 500 training videos and a web-based program to measure, track, and develop our soccer force of the future. The tech industry is going to save the American economy, we might as well bring a World Cup home along the way.

|  August 27th, 2011
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