
Discover thousands of free code tutorials to help you learn web and mobile development. You can learn Android app development, master React Native, become a better WordPress developer, and much more.

Featured Code Tutorials

  • The Best Way to Deep Copy an Object in JavaScript

    The Best Way to Deep Copy an Object in JavaScript

    Kingsley Ubah
  • Create a JavaScript AJAX Post Request: With and Without jQuery

    Create a JavaScript AJAX Post Request: With and Without jQuery

    Kingsley Ubah
  • Code Courses

  • Learn React 18: The Complete React Developer Course

    Learn React 18: The Complete React Developer Course

    Franc Lucas
  • Learn Modern JavaScript Fundamentals in 7 Hours: Free Course

    Learn Modern JavaScript Fundamentals in 7 Hours: Free Course

    Dan Wellman
    1. What Is the WordPress .htaccess File and What Can You Do With It?

      What Is the WordPress .htaccess File and What Can You Do With It?

      Tutorial Beginner

      Wondering where the .htaccess file is on your server or in WordPress and how to edit it? Keep reading.

    2. Create Your Own AI Image Generator App With JavaScript and DALL-E 3

      Create Your Own AI Image Generator App With JavaScript and DALL-E 3

      Tutorial Beginner

      In this tutorial, we will build an AI image-generation app with JavaScript. Users will enter text describing the image they want. Behind the scenes we will...

    3. 6 of the Best WordPress Alternatives in 2024

      6 of the Best WordPress Alternatives in 2024

      Tutorial Beginner

      Looking for a website builder that isn’t WordPress? In this post, we’ve compared WordPress competitors like Wix, Squarespace, Ghost, and other website...

    4. How to Retrieve the IDs, Titles, and URLs of the Core WordPress/WooCommerce Pages

      How to Retrieve the IDs, Titles, and URLs of the Core WordPress/WooCommerce Pages

      Tutorial Beginner

      In this tutorial, you’ll learn different methods for accessing the IDs, titles, and URLs of the core WordPress and WooCommerce pages.

    5. How to Build a Text-to-Voice Application With JavaScript

      How to Build a Text-to-Voice Application With JavaScript

      Tutorial Beginner

      Let’s convert text into speech using JavaScript and the WebSpeechAPI. Our app will feature a simple interface where the user adds the text, then clicks a...

    6. Learn These Viewport-Relative CSS Units (100vh, 100dvh, 100lvh, 100svh)

      Learn These Viewport-Relative CSS Units (100vh, 100dvh, 100lvh, 100svh)

      Tutorial Beginner

      In this tutorial, we’ll cover the challenges when working with the classic 100vh unit for making full-screen sections and discuss some great alternative CSS...

    7. How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error on Your WordPress Site

      How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error on Your WordPress Site

      Tutorial Intermediate

      What do you do when you encounter the “HTTP 500 ERROR” in WordPress? This tutorial explains the 10 steps to take.

    8. Build an Infinite Blinking Text Animation With CSS and a Touch of JavaScript

      Build an Infinite Blinking Text Animation With CSS and a Touch of JavaScript

      Tutorial Intermediate

      In this new tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an infinite blinking/flashing/highlighting text effect with CSS animations and a bit of JavaScript.

    9. How to Integrate Bootstrap 5 Tabs With Chart.js

      How to Integrate Bootstrap 5 Tabs With Chart.js

      Tutorial Intermediate

      Today, you’ll learn how to incorporate charts generated by the Charts.js charting library into Bootstrap 5 tabs/pills.

    10. How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

      How to Use WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started

      Tutorial Beginner

      Ready to build your first WordPress website, but not sure where or how to get started? This 10-step tutorial will show you what to do.

    11. Create a Currency Converter with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

      Create a Currency Converter with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

      Tutorial Intermediate

      Let’s create a currency converter using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript, with data from the Exchange Rate API.

    12. Learn How to Code a Simple JavaScript Calendar and Datepicker

      Learn How to Code a Simple JavaScript Calendar and Datepicker

      Tutorial Beginner

      A JavaScript calendar is the best tool to understand date functionalities in JavaScript. This tutorial will create a real-time calendar similar to the one in...