I really ought to update this more often

June 7, 2010

but I can’t be bothered.

Took my minion to an ‘agility seminar’ and ‘TDAA trial’ and had fun. Did manage to take her out on a tunnel during our first run and had a nice time zipping over the ring gates. Our second run was more boring and predictable but she fed me a whole lot of crack, I mean Biljack afterwards, so I guess that was okay. I think we have more of these soon. The dogs that followed their minions around boringly got ribbons, and I like ribbons, so maybe we’ll try that.

April 8, 2010

This is Lizzie again. I have pwned my minion and she has agreed that since she has her own blog at Shiny Stuff for her artwork and stuff, this one can be mine.

Yesterday I got a new anti-evil collar (I am not sure if I approve or not) and went to obedience class at ABOTC. Man, boot camp has nothing on those evil people. Because I’m so spazzy but do know how to sit and down and stay, Mom was going to put me in intermediate. However, there were a ton of new folks starting this month and the small intermediate class got dissolved into the advanced class (Mom said some of those dogs were working on their you-dee, whatever that is) and beginner was so chaotic, she figured that she would just put me into advanced and I could do my stays on leash.

I have her SO snowed. Unfortunately, my new anti-evil collar suppressed my demonspitz powers and I actually had to demonstrate that I *do* actually know how to heel.

At least there were lots of cookies.

September 14, 2009

Dear diary,

Today my minion took me on a car ride because she said I had Cabin Fever. First we went to the drive through biscuit place. I like them. They give mom money and me biscuits, all in exchange for paper!  Next we went to Petco, where mom bought me a green rubber fetch toy that bounces weirdly, and some cookies.

Then we came home, and now I am napping on the bed. Later, I plan to make my minion buy me chow mein noodles, which are my new favorite snack. Life is good.


March 7, 2009

to CH Pennypot Enchantress With Spilmah for BEST OF BREED at Crufts 2009! (Who is Lizzie’s quite-distant cousin!)

New roommates rock!

February 26, 2009

I have a new roommate, who has two dogs of her own, mini schnauzers Kiba and Stryder.  Lizzie is THRILLED to have playmates her own size, even if Kiba is not really in favor of this whole ‘playing with non-schnauzers’ thing.

Mere (the roommate) is an agility person (yay!) and will be teaching the pre-agility classes that we hope to offer at Dogstar Academy in the future. 🙂 Her guys are both titled in CPE and it’s a lot of fun to see them work.

In other news, we started watching Susan Garett’s 2×2 Weaves DVD and I’ve done Day 1 with Lizzie, and she’s really got it down, with an 88% success rate in the first session! More notes on her progress soon. 🙂

A fundraiser for our friends…

February 11, 2009

Lizzie’s Australian relatives aren’t from Victoria, but everyone’s heard about the brushfires that have so far destroyed over a thousand homes and killed more than 100 people.
Check out the Virtual Dog Show to raise funds to help Victorian dog folks affected by the fires get back on their feet.

Happy Christmas from Lizzie, to all our friends.

December 25, 2008

Long time now post….

October 27, 2008

I really am still here, though! We’ve just been busy at work.

What Lizzie has done this summer….

August 30, 2008
Lizzie loves to swim!

Lizzie loves to swim!

Lizzie running with her GSD friend Strauss

.... Made new friends

Lizzie is a well-traveled spitz!

Lizzie is a well-traveled spitz! - from one of her THREE road trips this summer.

Sorry for lack of updates…

June 6, 2008

Been feeling kinda off (ugh) and just not had the energy to do anything but work and sleep.

I did make this video this evening though, with my new camera (prezzie from my grandma for my upcoming birthday.)

Lizzie demonstrates her “Wave” trick for the camera!

Now with a link, because I am a DOPE.