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Neonatal Resuscitation with Intact Umbilical Cord by Angie Evans A research-based article demonstrating the benefits of keeping the umbilical cord intact, specifically in regards to situations when resuscitation is necessary. Read more…. Neonatal Resuscitation with Intact Umbilical Cord


“Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda. Our mission, therefore, is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance, and isolation with the outstretched hand of generosity. Racism can, will, and must be defeated.”

Kofi Annan


Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home. It changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up. But maybe that’s the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It’s what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.

Grey’s Anatomy


It was a natural consequence that all obstetric procedures had their indication widened as their relative safety became established. But that any operation, because asepsis makes it reasonably safe and anesthesia keeps the patient quiet during its performance, should be so inordinately broadened in its scope that the suspicion is evidence that it is being done for the convenience and conservation of time of the operator, is a travesty on scientific endeavor.

H. Schwarz, MD. 1919


…in feeding babies, two substantial mammary glands are more useful than the two hemispheres of a professor’s brain.

Oliver Wendell Holmes


Be bold. Be proud. Persist in spreading the word that midwives are not only experts in normal birth, but also expert at keeping birth normal.

Judy Edmunds, CPM

Recent Articles

My Winding Path to Midwifery by Sara Dunn

When I walked out of my first prenatal with a homebirth midwife, I knew this was something to which everyone should have access. I wanted to find a way to make midwifery care more accessible to the Northern Neck of Virginia. It would be a big task, as the area presents special challenges. The only hospital on the Northern Neck closed its labor and delivery unit in 2004. A standalone birth center opened in 2010, but closed the next year due to financial challenges.

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Posterior Babies

Opciones de Parto en Venezuela by Fernando Molina article in Spanish; One of the “good guys,” Fernando Molina enlightens us on the situation regarding birth choices in Venezuela, in both Spanish in this online article and in English in Midwifery Today Issue 86. Read more…. Opciones de Parto en Venezuela


Uses for Placenta and Membranes by Editorial Midwifery Today E-News, October 11, 2017 • Volume 19, Issue 21 Read more…. Uses for Placenta and Membranes

Tricks of the Trade

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 73

Throw out the rule book.

Barbara Harper

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 85

It was a natural consequence that all obstetric procedures had their indication widened as their relative safety became established. But that any operation, because asepsis makes it reasonably safe and anesthesia keeps the patient quiet during its performance, should be so inordinately broadened in its scope that the suspicion is evidence that it is being done for the convenience and conservation of time of the operator, is a travesty on scientific endeavor.

H. Schwarz, MD. 1919

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 91

Women’s bodies have their own wisdom, and a system of birth refined over 100,000 generations is not so easily overpowered.

Sarah Buckley

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 72

The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

Anne and Ray Ortlund

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 71
An Impulse to Soar: Quotations by Women on Leadership, compiled by Rosalie Maggio

Leaders have a passion and they have a picture or vision at some distance from the current reality. They use their passion to move them toward that vision, whether it’s something for their company, for themselves or for their cause.

Sandy Linver

Tricks of the Trade

Midwifery Today Issue 88

…in feeding babies, two substantial mammary glands are more useful than the two hemispheres of a professor’s brain.

Oliver Wendell Holmes


Doula Care for Refugee Families by Barbara Lusher

In the summer of 2015, Europe experienced one of the largest refugee crises in modern times. My native Austria had not seen such a high influx of scared and traumatized people since Hungarians fled their homes in 1956. The country was utterly unprepared. When Angela Merkel asked refugees to come to Germany, 90,000 people remained in Austria, a country of 8.7 million. This represented a 1% increase in the population of people with no way to support themselves and who were forced to rely on state aid.

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