
Konamionline is ranked 3,464,539 in the United Kingdom. 'DanceDanceRevolution | DDR Step Editor.'

3,464,539Rank in United Kingdom

343,360Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed85,239
Monthly visits 77,490
Value per visitor--
Estimated worth£26,444.58
External links2,096
Number of pages300

Last Updated: 05/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries58.60%57.40%
Turkey 28,816 12.20%12.00%
Indonesia 37,246 11.00%10.70%
Italy 48,440 9.10%8.20%
Iran 82,606 2.30%2.00%
Germany 166,575 6.70%9.60%

Visitors come from the countries, Germany, Iran, Italy, Indonesia & Turkey.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank288,538 -743,548
Daily Visitors1,498+310%
Daily Visitors Rank214,211 -640,466
Daily Pageviews1,200+250%
Daily Pageviews Rank594,084 -1,043,236
Pageviews Per User1.20 -14.89%

Age: It went live on February 27th 2000, making it over 18 years, 1 months old.

On average 1.20 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 1,638 daily visitors.
